Author Topic: 2015 Aurora Elite - Need to get the gearing lower! What was (I) Jamis thinking?  (Read 6346 times)

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Offline F_Thomas

I just recently purchased the Aurora Elite and should have paid more attention to the gearing, which is more akin to a road bike than a touring bike.  The Aurora has proper gearing so why not the Aurora Elite?  There is a lot to like about the bike, but the gearing is not one of them. 

Aurora Elite  50/39/30 & 11-30

Aurora         48/36/26 & 11-32

I really should have paid more attention.  Does anyone here have the experience of changing the drivetrain on the Aurora Elite to make it a more worthy touring bike?   Can you recommend a new crankset to pair with a 11-34 cassette keeping it a 10 speed?  Hopefully I will be able to use the existing Front and Rear Derailleurs. 
"The visible world is no longer a reality and the unseen world is no longer a dream."  W.B. Yeats

Offline DaveB

The now obsolete Shimano FC-5703 and FC-4503 triple cranks had 130/74 mm bolt circles and the 30T granny can be replaced with down to a 24T chainring.  You have to find these NOS somewhere.   

Shimano's "Trekking" cranksets come geared the way the Aurora does at 48/36/26 and these cranks are available from a couple of German internet suppliers.  They don't seem to be sold in the US.

Your existing front and rear derailleurs will work with either type.

Offline paddleboy17

Just hunt for a compact mountain bike crank.  Any 10 speed triple will do, preferably one that is 22/32/42.

I don't know if an 11 speed crank will work or not, but you can probably get any crank to work since you have bar end shifters.

You may or may not need to replace your front derailleur.  Since you are putting a smaller bolt circle crank on the bike, you will need to move the front derailleur down the seat tube to make it shift properly.  If you cannot get it to work, then get a mountain bike front derailleur designed for a compact crank.

I agree that the gearing choice is stupid, but then building the not Elite Aurora frame out Reynolds 520 is even stupider.

Changing the crank and getting it to work should not be that hard.  You can do it.

Offline obinja

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I had the same issue when I bought my first touring bike several years ago. The gearing just didn't work for me. I looked into changing the drive line.  In the long run, I had to eat some loss but ended up with a first gen. Sala Fargo. Size small. Triple in the front and a 34 on the rear. A little heavier over all but I love it! I'm a smaller woman and while the geomatry isn't perfect for me, I've changed out bars and such and it works well now. Good luck.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 12:15:21 pm by obinja »
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