Author Topic: Safety in Florida  (Read 13309 times)

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Safety in Florida
« on: January 10, 2016, 02:29:45 pm »
I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone planning on riding through the panhandle of Florida.  A group of three of us cycling the Southern Tier route (west-east) found that almost immediately after arriving in Florida we had several close-calls with vehicles, and 6 miles east of Crestview, FL on route 90, our third cyclist riding in the back was hit by a truck.  Somehow, he's ok, but one of the scarier parts of the experience was that several people and police officers on the scene admitted to having hit cyclists.  There are bicyle lanes, but they're often nestled between lanes of traffic going straight and right turning lanes, and some drivers seemed not to notice us.  I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone planning on riding the route.  I recommend wearing a mirror, bright clothes, and a flag if you can. 

Offline tonythomson

Re: Safety in Florida
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2016, 02:44:30 pm »
Florida drivers have a really bad press, much of it deserved.  However I have cycled all over Florida and never had any problems.  Admittedly if I can I ride on the side walk or as far over as possible.  But I do that everywhere, self preservation. 
You are absolutely correct in saying bright colours but imo a mirror is the most important thing that will keep you safe.  Gives you a chance to control the lane especially in town but also to just get off the road if unhappy about the vehicle coming up.
Beware of those rented motorhomes, often driven by people unused to a large vehicle.
But have fun Florida is a great place to ride with some fantastic trails.
Just starting to record my trips