Author Topic: Suggestions of Eugene bike shops for reassembly and servicing before transam  (Read 6963 times)

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Offline hilaryje

I am travelling from Australia in June to do the Transam ( from Eugene). This is the first time I have travelled internationally with my bike. I am travelling Qantas to San Francisco and the bike will be part of my checked luggage- no additional costs. I am then intending to fedex the bike from San Fransisco Airport to a bike shop in Eugene where I want to get it reassembled and serviced. I am not handy and will be getting my bike shop here to pack the bike. Any suggestions of good reliable bike shops in Eugene.

Thanks for your help

Offline johnbowden54

Arriving by Bike, 2705 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97405.   541-484-5410.

Hutches, 960 Charnelton St, Eugene 541-345-7521

When are you coming to Eugene? US Olympic track and field trial will have lodging etc. pretty jammed in early June

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Offline hilaryje

Thanks John. I am arriving about the 25th June. Hopefully there will be accommodation but thanks for the warning. I will get on to it this week

Offline johnbowden54

I would love to stay in contact with you. My wife and I live near the airport. It looks like your trip starts in Florence, an hours drive from here. Arriving by Bike is a more touring oriented shop, big supporter of Adventure Cycling Association.

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Offline hilaryje

Thanks for your help John. I have sent a note to Arriving by Bike.

At this stage I haven't finalised my plans for getting to Eugene- either train or plane most probably at this stage but a chance of a ride, but would love it touch base with you when I get there. I will keep you in the loop.

Hope you have a lovely Christmas. It is a horrible day here in SW Victoria, Australia- probably going to get to 38C and nasty northerly winds- means high fire danger all day and Christmas inside with all the curtains drawn against the heat. Hope the weather is much nicer for your Christmas day.

Cheers Hilary

Offline johnbowden54

Meant to say the Olympic Trials are JULY 1-10 (not June) So lodging will be hard to find. Closer to 2C here. Cheers!!

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