Author Topic: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?  (Read 11843 times)

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Offline planeguy5

(Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« on: December 25, 2015, 08:55:07 pm »
Hello folks,

Do any of you have thoughts/recommendations/opinions about injury insurance (or "catastrophic injury" insurance as I've heard it) while bike touring? With my plans to do the TransAm this upcoming summer, my parents feel that such insurance would be necessary in the off-chance I receive a debilitating, long-term injury. I'm not quite sure what more it would offer than what we already get from Anthem Blue Cross health insurance.

On a separate note, I am thoroughly enjoying this forum, as you can probably tell from the number of different questions I have posed in all the subsections. I appreciate all of the feedback you provide, especially since I am a beginner tourer!

Happy new year,

Offline staehpj1

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 08:47:43 am »
The only reason I can see for additional coverage is if your current coverage wouldn't cover you while on tour.  For example if you will be in a country that they won't cover you.  I really don't see a tour as increasing the likelihood of serious injury.  You could be just as easily be injured in your normal daily life.  I figure that I am more likely to suffer serious injury around town at home than when on tour.

Basically, my opinion boils down to this.  If you need additional coverage you need it all the time, going on a tour doesn't cause a need for additional coverage IMO.

Offline planeguy5

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2015, 11:16:55 am »
Basically, my opinion boils down to this.  If you need additional coverage you need it all the time, going on a tour doesn't cause a need for additional coverage IMO.

Thank you. That is exactly how I feel as well. I guess it is just a matter of conveying that opinion to my parents.

Offline DaveB

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2015, 03:52:37 pm »
The only justification I can see for additional medical insurance is if your current coverage is an HMO and is very insistent that you stay "in network" or the co-pays, deductibles, etc. are very high.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2015, 12:48:42 pm »
I've just carried my existing health insurance, and filed for COBRA on my long tour. 

Choose your carrier carefully, as there are those that hit you hard when you're out of network.  Even there, it's usually a one-time hit (i.e., deductible goes from $200 to $500 or some such).  If you're sideswiped by a wheat truck in Kansas, you'll pay more before the coverage kicks in.  Read the fine print (not to be confused with RTFM!).

Offline BikePacker

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2015, 01:24:15 pm »
Jeremy - This is longer than I want it to be but I lack the ability to make it briefer - apologies.
You have 'stirred my thinking' in 2 areas, both of probably equal importance. 
First a general consideration .... I am ACA/Obamacare 'certified' - but I recognize that you did not say if you had ACA/Obamacare coverage .... could be group coverage? .... hence, we as readers have no real knowledge of the structure of your specific insurance coverage .... Anthem BCross/BShield has many different plans and they can vary from state to state.
Back to the more specific thoughts you have generated, even with the above in mind:
First, Pat's point is very significant.  Be aware of where you are intending to travel because if you have medical service performed from providers that are out of network the cost is typically much higher to you.
Second, "What" your cost is depends on the aforementioned insurance policy 'structure.'  By this I mean the level of deductible, the cost of co-pay
(which typically varies with regard to whether you are see a 'generalist' or a 'specialist' and, as previously mentioned, whether in or out of network in all the aforementioned),
and the total/maximum out of pocket cost which, depending on the policy, may or may not include both deductible and co-pays.
Something to consider if you view your deductibles &/or co-pays &/or max insured payout ("CATASTROPHIC" per your posting) amounts as being too risky for your comfort level is get coverage by the "supplementary policies" that pay you cash in the event of injury regardless of what your Anthem BCross/BShield pays. 
You will find policies such as this available on-line or from agents of Humana or United Healthcare and other big names.
Two related big questions for all of us cyclists is:
(1) Does my insurance policy cover at all OR adequately Air Evacuation, and
(2) Do I fell at risk?
This is relevant because many times we are cycling in remote areas. 
Someone (e.g., Police, 1st Responder/EMT) may call in Air Evac whether one needs it or not. 
The injured person may not be conscious enough to have any 'say' in the matter. 
The injured cyclist then owes if the insurance company does not cover it. 
If you do a net search on the cost of Air ... expect to see that it is at least $5000 and can be 3 times or more subject to is there any competition in the area and/or the total distance to/from the chopper & crews must travel/over night stay, etc.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 03:03:59 pm by BikePacker »

Offline rayed

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2024, 07:36:16 pm »
When it comes to selecting an insurer, it's important to consider various factors and gather insights from multiple sources. While I can't make specific recommendations, it might be helpful to research insurers known for their reliability and customer service. As for Asuris Northwest Health customer service, you might want to explore reviews and feedback from other policyholders to gauge their experiences firsthand. Websites like Consumer Reports, Yelp, and Trustpilot are popular platforms for reading reviews and gathering feedback about different companies. It's always wise to consult multiple sources and consider a range of perspectives before making a decision.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 05:37:45 pm by rayed »

Offline Westinghouse

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2024, 01:42:00 pm »
I have health insurance and I know hardly anything about it.  It is overly complicated for me.  If anything bad should happen, I would just hand them the card and hope for the best.

Offline froze

Re: (Catastrophic) injury insurance while cycling?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2024, 07:33:23 pm »
If you are in the US, Mexico and Canada, but you will need to contact your carrier to find out what restrictions you might have with your insurance in those two countries, otherwise here in the states all you need is your current health insurance, it will pay for everything minus your deductible, and co-pay.

What you do need to find out is whether or not your current insurance covers hiking and biking in excluded areas of the US, or will they cover you if you are at altitudes greater than 2,000m.  Find out if your insurance will cover emergency evac in remote places.

I agree with another poster that said it very simply, if you don't need additional insurance now, you're not going to need it on the Trans Am. 

Keep in mind, if you buy any other coverages you cannot collect twice, both insurance companies will find out you have two policies, and they'll decide who will pay, while the other may not have to pay out a dime!   

It is best not to listen to me or anyone else about your questions, you need to contact your health provider and get a detailed explanation as to what to expect and if there is any extra coverage they can recommend.

What will, or could be more important than insurance if you're worried about a catastrophic injury is having satellite backup emergency communication radio in case you can't get cell service and you need to call for help, and hopefully, someone can get to you fast before you die from injury, thirst, or exposure.  Even if you're going with a group, someone should have a sat radio, but ask to find out, if not get one, because even if you're in a group they're not going to be able to get you out or send someone up ahead fast enough to maybe save your life.

I will add this, if you're not racing the TransAm, then the chance of a catastrophic injury is pretty slim.