Author Topic: Trying Out For Ranger for Pacific Route  (Read 10068 times)

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Offline bicycleadventurer

Trying Out For Ranger for Pacific Route
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:14:55 am »
I am really excited to be part of this forum and in advancing the cause of cycling for all people.  I applied to the Blackburn Design program #beablackburnranger2016.  As I understand it, Blackburn Design supports this organization.  I certainly do.  I am really excited about the challenge and if chosen, hope I can live up to it.  This is a huge trip for me!  I have a video for anyone who is interested.

Cycling is part of my life.  We have made great strides to create cycling safe areas in Colorado, though there is a lot more to do.  We have several trails which allow people to ride near the edge of wilderness trails, and to see the magic of the out of doors.

I hope this is a good introduction.  I would love your comments and feedback about the Pacific trail and the GDMTBR route, which is my second choice route.  Thanks, Tim