Author Topic: Pacific Coast Route Section #5 - maps 63 & 64 - Winter 2016  (Read 5330 times)

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Pacific Coast Route Section #5 - maps 63 & 64 - Winter 2016
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:24:49 am »
We recently received the following notice regarding the closure of the Pacific Coast route through the city of Del Mar due to the heavy rains the area has received:

Greetings Bicycling Community --
...Many of you may be aware that a FULL closure of southbound (SB) Camino del Mar (aka Hwy. 101/SR 21) is in effect in the City of Del Mar between Del Mar Heights Rd. and Carmel Valley Rd.  This closure is expected for 1-2 months.  Northbound traffic is still allowed in this segment, including bicyclists-- of course.  A detour has been established for SB vehicles-- SB Camino del Mar to eastbound (EB) Del Mar Heights Rd./4th St. to I-5 SB to westbound (WB) Carmel Valley Rd. and then back to SB Camino del Mar (Hwy. 101).   
There are several options for bicyclists to detour around the closure.  One that has been established for bicyclists is the shortest route which follows 4th St./ Del Mar Heights Rd eastbound to Mango Dr./ Portofino Dr. and then to WB Carmel Valley Rd. to Camino del Mar.  Extreme grades are present along that detour.  There are other routes available including EB Via de la Valle to SB El Camino Real to WB Carmel Valley Rd.-- a route that includes less intense grades than the proposed detour, but may not include dedicated bike lanes in all segments.  Vigilance by all cyclists is advised in all cases.  It should be noted that wrong-way driving on a bicycle is dangerous and against the California Vehicle Code. Detours should be followed and all cyclists should adhere to California Code.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

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