Author Topic: Mirrors  (Read 12635 times)

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Offline DarrenBnYYC

Re: Mirrors
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2016, 08:28:46 am »
You DO have to be wearing glasses to use them, but I have some cycling glasses with removable lenses in case I want to ride with them without lenses.
Actually, most people I know that use them mount them to the visor of their helmet (if you have one). I ha e all my helmets outfitted that way. Very convenient.

Offline tbessie

Re: Mirrors
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2016, 12:43:14 pm »
You DO have to be wearing glasses to use them, but I have some cycling glasses with removable lenses in case I want to ride with them without lenses.
Actually, most people I know that use them mount them to the visor of their helmet (if you have one). I ha e all my helmets outfitted that way. Very convenient.

For some reason, I don't like helmet visors, so I never tried that.

- Tim
Touring: Bruce Gordon Rock 'n Road Tour (2014)
Touring: Custom Steve Potts Ti with S&S Couplers (2018)
Century/Weekend: Custom Titanium Firefly with Campagnolo Chorus (2017)
Every Day: Bianchi Brava frame, Campagnolo Mirage (1999)
Every Day Backup: Jamis Quest parts on a Surly Pacer frame (2012)

Offline erniegrillo

Re: Mirrors
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2016, 04:24:50 pm »
Many opinions as you can see by the responses to your post.
I have used a helmet mirror for over 20 years.
Took about a day to get used to it then, no problems., 
They do not shake or vibrate.  The closer a mirror is to your eye,
the larger the field of view you have. So, a 1 inch helmet mirror gives
you a larger field of view than a car rear view mirror.
By slightly moving your head, you can also sweep and gain an over 90
degree view. I daily commute year around in Seattle traffic and a mirror is
one of my most valuable cycle accessories.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Mirrors
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2016, 05:27:23 pm »
Love it. Helmet mirror. Visor mounted. Taped on (valuable tip I got from Friedel of the Travelling Two). Helmet mount allows me to aim it where I want. Allows me to see if the road is clear enough to swerve around that pothole while at the same time allowing me to keep my eyes on the pothole. I wish I had a mirror while walking.

And I love the visor. In addition to providing a good place to mount the mirror, it's great for rain and when cycling into the sun or a dust storm, and helps keep your nose from getting sunburned. Some people say it has a downside of forcing you to hold your head up a bit more, but that's not been a problem for me.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 05:29:39 pm by John Nelson »