Author Topic: Crossing the Mississippi from West Memphis, AR at I-55 bridge  (Read 9303 times)

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Offline livebraveut

It appears from a Google search and a Warm Showers contact that you can cross the river using a narrow sidewalk at the I-55 bridge. You end up at E H Crump Park in Memphis. To get to the bridge access at the east end of West Broadway you have to take a trail/gravel road that wanders under the bridge to the north and then comes back under the bridge to the south.

Can anyone verify this? I can see it on GoogleMaps and my information seems correct. Looking for some verification?

The Harahan Bridge is still not open (will offer both peds/cycling only traffic), I believe late this year.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Crossing the Mississippi from West Memphis, AR at I-55 bridge
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 11:25:37 pm »
I crossed a few years ago here but I accessed Crump Park via Metal Museum Drive as I was coming from the south and then heading west.  Can't say is still feasible now.  I would avoid doing at night or within an hour of dusk or dawn.  Seemed a bit sketchy to me but it worked.