Author Topic: Hello All, Happy to be cycling again  (Read 6278 times)

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Offline Prairieboy43

Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:54:29 pm »
Hello, all New to this forum. Canadian reborn cyclist. Just happy to be riding again. Been off for a few decades. Last long tour 87 Europe/ North Africa. Enjoyed riding bike around Europe, but disliked long uphills. However the hills build character. Buddy I ride are back to cycling again in Edmonton, Alberta. Feels good to rack up 50 miles a day. We plan on a 100 miler this summer. One thing I am looking at is the purchase of a new touring bike for wife/myself. I am looking for a fast Chro/Mo bike, not Mtn bike too slow. Also anyone have experience with Rohloff hubs?
Thank You
PB43 8)

Offline Walter

Re: Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2016, 12:10:50 am »
I have been using Rohloffs for 10 years. What would you like to know?

Offline Prairieboy43

Re: Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2016, 04:54:50 pm »
Thank You Walter for the reply. I am inquiring regarding the Rolloff hub. Durability seems a non issue. Smoothness in shifting, and lower gears for climbing. Does the Rolloff hub have a good low touring gear for long steep inclines? likely ave 60-100km/day (40-65miles/day). I have read some people have 100,000 km on there hubs. WOW! Lifetime X3, cycling.
Thank You

Offline Walter

Re: Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2016, 09:44:17 pm »
I never experienced lower gears being a problem during long; extended climbs and high grades. then again, I typically 'zone out' during long climbs.
I absolutely love the rohloff hub. I even ride a rohloff road bike now.

if you plan to buy a rohloff bike make sure your shop and mechanics are familiar with the system! it is not a common system in the US.
rohloffs can also be equipped with belt drives. both make for a totally (but $$$) carefree system that lasts forever. belts can not be retro fitted.

have you researched the forum on Rohloff yet?


Offline Prairieboy43

Re: Hello All, Happy to be cycling again
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 11:14:44 am »
Thank You Walter.
No I did not check out Rohloff forum. I will!
Last Trip was 29 years ago. We had Mtn bikes. Toured Southern Europe and NE Africa. Bike was slow and heavy. I met bicycle tourists riding 12 speed road bikes, that were making more mileage than us. I am  looking for STRONG FAST BIKE with fail free componentry.  :) :)
Thank You
