Author Topic: Which Forum to Post Links to My (Free!) Book About My GDMBR Trip Fall 2015?  (Read 4472 times)

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Offline JohnFromDenver

New to the forum ...

... not new to the GDMBR ... rode 1504.5 miles from Denver to the Canadian border last fall.

I wrote a book about my adventure, a mix of humor, insight, gear info, etc. Book is totally free ... I want to post links to the book so people considering the ride might read it and find some useful information that will make their trip more fun.

The forum guidelines are to only do one posting, so I'd like to locate the post with the links in the correct forum.

So, my question:

What would be the best forum to post the links?

Thanks for your guidance!

John From Denver
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 09:12:05 pm by JohnFromDenver »

Offline JHamelman

Hi JohnFromDenver,

Thanks for checking in on the most appropriate place for your GDMBR book link. I'd say the Routes discussion area is probably the best for this information.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
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