Author Topic: Northern Tier section 10 map 130 - Canal trail short detour - summer 2016  (Read 5651 times)

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Offline canalligators

There is a short detour on the canal trail, around a construction site at Hulberton, NY.  This is between Albion and Holley, NY.  Conveniently, a local road runs parallel to the canal trail, so it's just a hop off and hop back on for the trail.

The project is expected to take "several weeks".

The canal has a minor breach which has to be fixed before it becomes a major breach.  It will require draining the canal to fix.  The canal will be drained for a long stretch, between Albion and Brockport.  You'll get to see the canal drained, as locals do each winter.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 09:53:37 am by CMajernik »

Offline canalligators

The project is listed as completed on July 2.  That was faster than I expected.  I presume the detour is no longer necessary.