Author Topic: Sleeping Pad Recommendation  (Read 9163 times)

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Offline dkoloko

Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« on: July 20, 2016, 04:58:42 pm »
Looking for sleeping pad recommendation. Requirements are full length, non-inflatable, not more than a pound or so in weight, and not bulky. Currently have Ensolite pad; should be something better. Non-inflatable I have seen in stores are much too bulky. Had number of inflatable pads, self inflating, blow up, pump, no pump; soured on inflatables when on last trip inflatable valve failed. REI pad; no repair, even if I paid for repair.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2016, 07:04:52 pm »
Wow. I think maybe your requirements are overly constrained. Not inflatable and not bulky seem to be at odds. The only way around it would be something very thin, but then it would also be not comfortable. I notice that you didn't mention comfort anywhere. Personally, I like something 2.5 inches thick. I don't find the one-inch-thick pads comfortable.

Yes, I realize that almost all inflatable pads eventually quit holding air. I think you just accept that and buy a new one when that happens. Usually they fail slowly, such that they still work even if you have to add more air in the middle of the night.

Anyway, maybe somebody knows of something that meets all your requirements. I don't.

Some people like bubble wrap. Not very durable, but cheap.

Offline attaboy

Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2016, 09:58:58 pm »
Another option I've heard is a thermal automobile sunscreen. Least bulky might be tyvek.

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 01:35:15 am »
I've been trying to figure this one out for almost 50 years, and I think I've got it now.  I use the new Thermarest egg carton looking ones. They do not inflate--finally, no more nights on the hard ground due to leaks!  They weigh mere ounces.  They may be somewhat bulky, but so what?  Just strap them on anywhere.  You are not going to find noninflatable, not bulky, comfortable, reliable, all in one.  I now use this new kind for backpacking and bikepacking.  Also, they are way cheap compared to inflatables, and they are insulating from cold ground.
May the wind be at your back!


  • Guest
Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2016, 08:02:15 am »
Do the geometry in your head. Something full length and non-inflatable that is even a mere 1" thick is going to be bulky when folded or rolled. You are not going to find such a pad that packs down to a size comparable to an inflatable.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 08:45:34 am »
Do the geometry in your head. Something full length and non-inflatable that is even a mere 1" thick is going to be bulky when folded or rolled. You are not going to find such a pad that packs down to a size comparable to an inflatable.
There is an exception to that math that may offet the OP an acceptable compromise.  If some of the thickness is in the form of nesting egg crate shapes, the nesting will make it take less space when folded.  The Thermarest Z-Lite is 72"X20"X.75" so it is 1080 cubic inches.  It folds to 20"X5"X5.5" which makes it take a bit more than half as much volume (550 cubic inches) when folded.  Not as small as many inflatables but substantially reduced compared to other foam mattresses when stowed.  If I was worried enough about leaks to go foam, I would probably buy a Z-Lite.

All that said, I still much prefer my NeoAir's light weight, comfort, and compact stowed size.  I find that, with care, leaks are rare, usually easy to repair, and generally of the need to adjust the air once during the night variety if they occur at all.


  • Guest
Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 09:40:00 am »
Do the geometry in your head. Something full length and non-inflatable that is even a mere 1" thick is going to be bulky when folded or rolled. You are not going to find such a pad that packs down to a size comparable to an inflatable.
It folds to 20"X5"X5.5"

I consider that bulky, but maybe the OP won't.

Offline dkoloko

Re: Sleeping Pad Recommendation
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 12:22:39 pm »
Do the geometry in your head. Something full length and non-inflatable that is even a mere 1" thick is going to be bulky when folded or rolled. You are not going to find such a pad that packs down to a size comparable to an inflatable.

Not criterion that the pad "packs down to a size comparable to an inflatable". Not bulky means to me, fit in pannier. Also, non-inflatable does not mean non-compressible.