Author Topic: PC BIKE ROUTE  (Read 15949 times)

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Offline Rubicon

« on: July 21, 2016, 10:24:06 pm »
We are riding from SF to Santa Cruz. I see that Google Maps shows a long detour off Hwy 1 near Pescadero. Is this part of the PCBR? Does anyone recommend this route? What is the surface like? Thanks for any info.

Offline JHamelman

« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 09:16:35 am »
I can't say why Google would route cyclists that way. However, I can tell you the Adventure Cycling Pacific Coast Route uses SR 1 for most of the distance between San Francisco and Santa Cruz.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline John Nelson

« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 09:56:19 am »
I can think of no good reason to deviate from CA 1. Google probably doesn't take fantastic scenery into account. Also, the Google route is longer. Besides, you don't want to miss the Pigeon Point Lighthouse.

Offline Rubicon

« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 05:38:48 pm »
I think Google routes bikes away from car traffic whenever possible. That might make sense sometimes but not here. Your right about Pigeon Point not to mention Hwy 1 Brewery!

Offline walks.in2.trees

« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2016, 01:09:49 pm »
I think Google routes bikes away from car traffic whenever possible. That might make sense sometimes but not here. Your right about Pigeon Point not to mention Hwy 1 Brewery!
Yeah Google does weird things like that, but usually there's a reason behind it...
If you have bike paths prioritized, for example.


Even in a car you should always fully preview the route, especially the destination, no matter what device or software you're using for GPS travel.

I use it for work so much that if there was a Google maps certification, I would be considered an expert.  There's times it wanted me to take side streets that run parallel to the main route for some reason... Possibly to avoid making the final left turn across traffic...I ignored it of course, because I had previewed my route first.

One of our drivers used a Garmin GPS and it took us in a loop past our destination and back around on itself... The sad part is, If I didn't say something, she would have just kept following it blindly around the loop.

Where possible, with Google maps use the BUSINESS NAME that's at, next to, or nearby the destination address rather than the address itself. for example use "SHERMAN DENTISTRY, Sydney, AU"... Not "42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, AU"

OR.  if your going to YANKEE CANDLE but YANKEE CANDLE isn't listed, but the sub shop next door is, use the sub shop next door as your destination.

If you're going to a mall store, usually it's not finding the mall that's the problem, but what entrance to use...turn off the satellite view and Google will show you all of the individual mall stores, and let you toggle which floor you're looking at. Most of the time, businesses are pinned exactly, although, I wish they'd put the pin at the entrance, not in the middle of the building or at the entrance to the parking lot.

In Poughkeepsie, NY,  the address for Kohl's is blahblah South RD. But  Google maps places the pin for that address about 5 miles past the actual address... But if you use "KOHL'S Poughkeepsie NY"... It takes you right there

Also, for cycling, satellite view uses a LOT of data and battery. I only use it to help verify my destination while setting up my route because you can see parking lot layouts and recognize certain stores in satellite imagery. The other way I verify my destination is with street view, and there are times I'll spend half an hour or more going up and down a street in street view because Google blurs out all the house numbers and it placed my destination in the wrong spot.

By the way, as a further example, even though I've submitted an edit to fix my house address on Google maps, it still places you up the street at the corner if you search for my address as your destination. (Note too that when I submitted a correction to a business address that was not owned by me, it was adjusted the by the following day)

too, now you can add additional stops to your route, so you can use that to force it to create a route that goes the way you want to go by adding a stop at a mapped pin if it doesn't offer that way as an alternate route. so for example in your case, add the lighthouse or the brewery as an additional stop and it should adjust the route to cover that.

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