Author Topic: Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?  (Read 6035 times)

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Offline Nyimbo

Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?
« on: February 08, 2017, 09:01:28 am »
Here is a Transamerica trivia question.

I took this pic of a road sign along highway 12 travelling east in Idaho last summer. I googled it and also asked friends on my Facebook page. But no one so far has known what it means - anyone knowing person here?

Also trying to figure out how to post pictures on the forums.  I'll see if one of these works. These are the two places where I have my pics currently saved on dropbox and Flickr????

« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 09:29:57 am by Nyimbo »

Offline jamawani

Re: Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 09:43:57 am »
Since the guardrail shadow is on the road, yes, you are heading east.
US 12 in Idaho is 174 miles long. The sign is most like a milepost.
You are 133.60 miles east of the western terminus.
It may mark a pipeline or other feature - thus, the decimal.
Were you near the Lochsa Ranger Station?

Offline Nyimbo

Re: Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 10:47:28 am »
Were you near the Lochsa Ranger Station?

I was trying to recall while posting earlier.  I'm not sure how close but i do know it was the same day of riding that I visited the station.

Offline Nyimbo

Re: Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 06:43:44 pm »
Jamawani, thanks for the idea.

I'm back at home now so using the desktop.  I took the map coordinates that the iPhone has embedded in the photos and google mapped directions from the sign to the ID/WA border and got 134 miles.  I had rejected the idea of it being a mile marker being that it has a randomly odd number and that I didn't see any other round milage signs along the way however that's too close to 133.6 be a coincident - so I guess it is a milage marker and that it marks something at that specific spot.  thanks :)

Offline jamawani

Re: Does anyone know what this sign reading [133.60] means?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 08:24:55 pm »
These curiosities are what make bike touring so much fun.