Author Topic: Trangia Stove / Meths  (Read 21718 times)

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Offline LucyM

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2016, 02:57:09 pm »
Hi folks.   Cheers for all the help and advice.   Thank you.   Lucy

Offline jamawani

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2017, 11:04:55 pm »
Speaking of terms that have different meanings - I would avoid using "meths" because in the U.S. the term "meth" is associated with the epidemic of methamphetamine. You mention "meth" and you may have a park ranger searching all of your belongings. Just FYI.

Offline ian123running

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2017, 01:14:44 pm »
Hi LucyM,

I have used Trangia stoves forever and we would not be without ours.  Admittedly a weight penalty compared to some others but we usually cook proper meals every day and can really enjoy good two-pot meals.  We have all sizes but usually use the mid size for the two of us.  The solo one is very light but not big enough for us both.

I'm from the UK so you'll get better info from others about what's available in the USA ..  BUT...  do you know you can get a gas burner for the Trangia?  It just replaces the meths pot in the base and, and then you can use a threaded gas cartridge (propane / butane mix) which I think are widely available in the USA (though need to check on this for rural areas...).  This is what we did in the USA last year.  In fact there are advantages over meths:  controllable, no sooty pots [edit:  not such a problem with bio-ethanol instead of meths], and probably a bit quicker (but that's marginal we find).  A bit more expensive than meths.   Anyway worth thinking about.  I think this is what we will travel with this spring in the USA.  Trangia also do mult-fuel burners.

I do like the palava around using the meths burner, the simmer cap etc.

When we're in France we always use meths ('alcool a bruler' )-  the French are completely wedded to Camping Gaz cylinders which don't fit our burner.

Of course you could just take both to reduce fuel stress but that's probably overkill!

Sounds like you're planning a great trip...

« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 01:05:02 pm by ian123running »

Offline ian123running

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2017, 01:27:41 pm »
I should have said - our older Trangia did not have a hole in the base through which to pass the valve and pipe that comes out of the gas burner head.  So I cut a hole out.  The newer Trangias seem to have holes already for that purpose.

Offline misterflask

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2017, 01:41:38 pm »
 <<BUT...  do you know you can get a gas burner for the Trangia?  >>
I did not know this, but am intrigued.  My favorite trait of the alcohol-fueled Trangia is that it burns dead quiet.  Does the gas burner run quietly, or at least quieter than an MSR?

Offline ian123running

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2017, 01:54:23 pm »

This is what we got ... (UK link)

Noisier than meths of course but not so bad on simmer - if you turn it up it makes noise but maybe shielded a bit by the Trangia.  Certainly not obnoxious ..  compared with the the 25yr old generator started up outside our tent at 7am in Watererton NP (Canada) .  Yikes that was obnoxious!


Offline adventurepdx

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Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2017, 11:30:43 pm »
BUT...  do you know you can get a gas burner for the Trangia?...In fact there are advantages over meths:  controllable, no sooty pots...

Y'know, I haven't had an issue with "sooty pots" with my Trangia. At least when I use HEET in the yellow bottle, which is the easiest methyl alcohol to get in (most parts of) the States in smaller amounts. However, I have used one type of denatured alcohol which was a bit sooty.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2017, 11:04:53 am »
BUT...  do you know you can get a gas burner for the Trangia?...In fact there are advantages over meths:  controllable, no sooty pots...

Y'know, I haven't had an issue with "sooty pots" with my Trangia. At least when I use HEET in the yellow bottle, which is the easiest methyl alcohol to get in (most parts of) the States in smaller amounts. However, I have used one type of denatured alcohol which was a bit sooty.
The amount of soot depends on the fuel. Alcohol stoves will burn any type of alcohol. Ethanol and methanol burn virtually soot-free. Isopropanol can be sooty. Ethanol and methanol burn better anyway, so there's little reason to use isopropanol unless you can't find anything else.

Offline ian123running

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2017, 11:59:20 am »
Thanks John and others - this is really useful as there are obviously different ways of buying the alcohol between countries.  I've just checked and the stuff we are using here (UK) is bio-ethanol - now sold in place of methylated spirits.  It is certainly cleaner than meths which is nice.

We're coming to do the Southern Tier this spring so if we bring our 'meths' Trangia burner this spring (as well as our propane / butane head) it sounds like we'd best look out for Yellow HEET.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 01:07:47 pm by ian123running »

Offline John Nelson

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2017, 12:16:36 pm »
We're coming to do the Southern Tier this spring so if we bring our 'meths' Trangia burner this spring (as well as our propane / butane head) it sounds like we'd best look out for Yellow HEET.
Yes, and it's easy to find, very inexpensive and sold in convenient quantities.

Offline paddleboy17

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2017, 12:26:07 pm »
Thanks John and others - this is really useful as there are obviously different ways of buying the alcohol between countries.  I've just checked and the stuff we are using here (UK) is bio-ethanol - now sold in place of methylated spirits.  It is certainly much than meths which is nice.

We're coming to do the Southern Tier this spring so if we bring our 'meths' Trangia burner this spring (as well as our propane / butane head) it sounds like we'd best look out for Yellow HEET.


Yellow HEET is one brand of fuel line treatment (it is sold as a remedy for when water gets into a fuel tank and causes a blocked fuel line due to ice).  The competing gas line anti-freeze products are also conveniently sold in yellow plastic bottles.  Red HEET is something else and do not buy it.  These are all sold in a very convenient 11oz bottle.

In a pinch, you can go into most hardware stores and buy a quart of denatured alcohol.  Denatured alcohol is an industrial grade of ethyl alcohol with enough methyl alcohol added to be toxic (and unatractive to drunks).  Denatured alcohol is an excellent fuel to use in any alcohol stove.  It is also sold in gallon containers, but you should be able to find quarts just as easily.  Denatured alcohol is used as a general purpose solvent, and is usual found with paint related products.

Offline LucyM

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2017, 06:37:05 am »
Cheers for all the tips folks - and Ian I didn't know that I could use gas with my Trangia - good to know but will stick with what I'm used to ie meths or yellow HEET,  when I get to the states - cannae wait.

Offline dancingcyclist

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2017, 06:47:28 pm »
I've been following this post as I'm interested in the alcohol stoves for touring since I only plan on boiling water with it and wanted as light as possible. I found a Trangia on Amazon for like $22.00 for just the stove and stand. Since it didn't come with any directions i'm working on guess work.

So here's my questions: 1) Is it better to fill it full and how full is full? 2) Is it better to use a wind screen or not? 3) What is the best way to use theses stoves?

The first time I tried it out I used some old, old methanol that was called gas guard back in the '70-'80. I filled the stove to what looked like half and used my Wisperlight wind screen around it. Windscreen was about 2-3 inches away from stove with the opening having about a 4 inch gap. Using my old lightweight backpacking 8 cup pot with 4 cups water in it. It took the stove about 18 minutes to boil the water and it used all the fuel.

The second time I tested it out I used a new bottle of Yellow Heet which says it is methyl alcohol and measured out about 3 oz of fuel. Set up the windscreen, same pot and again 4 cups of water. This time it took 28 minutes to achieve the same boiling and I had a left over of fuel of about 1 oz.

Also both times I put the pot on as soon as I lite the stove thinking it might help heat the stove quicker, saw that on a YouTube video. I did noticed that a lot of condition formed on the bottom of the pot. Could this also be a problem?

I really don't understand the 10 minute difference since both fuels appear to be methanol.

Tomorrow I'll test it again using isopropyl alcohol.


Offline paddleboy17

Re: Trangia Stove / Meths
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2017, 11:51:54 pm »
Alcohol stoves are designed to burn, ethanol, methanol, or ethanol-methanol blends.

In a alcohol stove, really good heat output does not happen until the alcohol is heated until its boiling point.  A 3oz tank takes longer to boil than a 1oz tank.  A stove based on a 1oz tank should bring 16 oz of water to a boil in 6-8 minutes.  Yes you need a wind screen. 

A Trangia is easiest to light when it is full.

As I have previously stated, if all you want to do is bring water to a boil, a Tangia stove is not the best choice.  If you want to cook food, they are wonderful stoves.