Author Topic: Bike to Bike Intercom  (Read 8254 times)

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Offline Goodaches

Bike to Bike Intercom
« on: January 08, 2017, 11:58:35 am »
Looking for comments on any experiences with electronic communications between bikes. We'd like to have helmet to helmet audio communication for better social experience and improved safety. Really not willing to give in to bulkiness, wire messes, or excessive battery maintenance to achieve this. Has anyone seen or used a set that is compact, light, and reliable?

Offline DanE

Re: Bike to Bike Intercom
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2017, 09:33:58 pm »
No experience and no knowledge, this was displayed at CES show.

Offline Goodaches

Re: Bike to Bike Intercom
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2017, 01:07:47 am »
Thanks for the lead. Your link provided my first exposure to this product.
I really like the idea of having the electronics integrated in to the helmet instead of the strap on boxes and loose wires I've seen with another possible solution.
I've sent them an email to get clarification on what the unit actually does. Their web sites talks about all the stuff we don't need (music, navigation, phone calls, etc) but doesn't make any mention about the primary safety function we do need (bike-to-bike intercom).
Thanks again - didn't know about it until you mentioned it.

Offline DanE

Re: Bike to Bike Intercom
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2017, 01:55:36 pm »
It appears to me that this device is just using your smart phone for it's functionality. It seems to me you could use the audio functions of something like Skype or Facetime on your smart phone to set up a bike to bike intercom, as long as you are riding where there is cell phone service. Once again, I have no experience with this.

Anyhow, I found this as well:

Offline Goodaches

Re: Bike to Bike Intercom
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2017, 05:33:11 am »
Yeah, that's basically the problem I'm seeing in my search - everything is a phone ap. Many of the places we are looking forward to riding are in weak or no signal areas. When in those kinds of areas we've learned to put our phones in airplane mode or turn them off because the batteries drain so fast (something to do with signal hunting).
I may end up cobbling together something myself using walkie talkies and parts from light weight headsets. I just kept hoping there was some integrated helmet system out there so we wouldn't have wires and little boxes that are bulkier than they need to be. I really do appreciate checking out the links you've provided.

Offline walks.in2.trees

Re: Bike to Bike Intercom
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2017, 02:08:02 pm »
Yeah, that's basically the problem I'm seeing in my search - everything is a phone ap. Many of the places we are looking forward to riding are in weak or no signal areas. When in those kinds of areas we've learned to put our phones in airplane mode or turn them off because the batteries drain so fast (something to do with signal hunting).
I may end up cobbling together something myself using walkie talkies and parts from light weight headsets. I just kept hoping there was some integrated helmet system out there so we wouldn't have wires and little boxes that are bulkier than they need to be. I really do appreciate checking out the links you've provided.
I forget who makes it, but there's a gps device that has a satellite uplink with SMS ability marketed to hikers. It works standalone, but can also pair with a smartphone. (Also would come with another monthly bill...), I don't think it has voice though, but it's a way to communicate if you get separated.

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