Rep. Barry Usher, MT-40, is one of the sponsors of this bill.
Here is a letter I sent him:
Dear Rep. Usher - T
The anti-cycling bill (LC-2196) you are sponsoring in one of your first acts as a legislator indicates how little you know of the law as it pertains to state and federal highways. Your bill violates numerous aspects of federal highway legislation in place since at least the early 1990s. I suggest you look up multimodality and bills such as ISTEA, SAFETEA, and MAP-21. You will discover that states must include multimodal transportation options to receive federal highway funds. Failure to do so - let alone banning bicycles from a large portion of the Federal Primary and Federal Secondary systems - would result in immediate violation and a restriction or outright embargo of funds.
I have bicycled nearly every paved road in Montana from Libby to Sidney and in between - not to mention quite a few dirt roads. I know eastern Montana well, having taught at Miles Community College. The Adventure Cycling Association, one of the leading bicycling advocacy organizations, is headquartered in Missoula. I am stunned, You talk about self-reliance, but the reality is that Montana could not begin to cover the costs of its highway system without massive federal subsidies. If this bill were to pass, despite all odds, I would argue that the first funds cuts be applied to US 87 and US 12 in eastern Montana. And I would laugh as the roads crumbled.
Sincerely, John Egan Buffalo, WY
Here is his legislative email address:
I believe that in today's environment, you have to call "stupid" by its proper name - loud and clear.
"Nice" just ain't gonna cut it any more.
Various national parks restrict bicycles as RVs grow bigger every year - and ARE accommodated.
The Whittier Tunnel in Alaska used federal funds and still has no bicycle accommodations - 15 years later.
You may also wish to encourage Mr. Usher to get on a bicycle, himself.
And include this image with your encouragement.