Author Topic: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017  (Read 41712 times)

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Offline ptr52

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2017, 04:51:07 pm »
ptr52, I see you are hoping for roads that are not busy and have decent shoulders? The regular route on HWY 1 in Calif has lots of roads that are very busy and have no shoulders.  Riders must be prepared for those types of roads on this route. Also, there are often wide trailers and vacationing drivers of all ages.  Use a mirror and be ready to get way over to the right sometimes. I left the road once for a speeding pickup truck that was hogging the lane and would not slow down when there was another vehicle coming the other way putting me in a pinch--all this on a minimal shoulder section.
Thanks, good advice.  I'm happy with the risks on highways, but I'm just asking here about what alternatives are available through the Salinas Valley.  Like most cyclists, I will take a better alternative if it is available.  Unlike the coast road, the Salinas Valley seems to have several options, I would just like to hear from some locals about the best routes down the valley.

Offline ptr52

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2017, 04:27:39 am »
SR 1 is closed from Sycamore Canyon Rd. just north of Big Sur (on map 47) to Ragged Point (on map 49) due to a mudslide. At this time (2/14/17) pedestrians and cyclists are stil allowed to use the damaged bridge though the next storm passing through may change this. See this Monterey County Weekly article for more information. To check the status of this closure, check Caltrans Current Highway Conditions at
Hi Jennifer
I was hopeful that cyclists would be allowed to use the trail that is being established around the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge, but all the posts I see seem quite negative on this.  It seems that even if a trail is completed, it will only be open to locals.
Do Adventure Cycling have a campaigning/lobbying section?
If so, is it possible they could contact the local community services and lobby to allow bikes to be walked/carried through the trail?.
If you can put me in contact with an appropriate AC contact I would be happy to talk to them.
Overall I am very disappointed with the negative approach to tourists on the Big Sur, the contrast between this and the way we were welcomed in Nepal after their much more serious problems after their earthquake is quite noticeable.

Offline opus

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2017, 10:01:59 am »
SR 1 is closed from Sycamore Canyon Rd. just north of Big Sur (on map 47) to Ragged Point (on map 49) due to a mudslide. At this time (2/14/17) pedestrians and cyclists are stil allowed to use the damaged bridge though the next storm passing through may change this. See this Monterey County Weekly article for more information. To check the status of this closure, check Caltrans Current Highway Conditions at
Hi Jennifer
I was hopeful that cyclists would be allowed to use the trail that is being established around the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge, but all the posts I see seem quite negative on this.  It seems that even if a trail is completed, it will only be open to locals.
Do Adventure Cycling have a campaigning/lobbying section?
If so, is it possible they could contact the local community services and lobby to allow bikes to be walked/carried through the trail?.
If you can put me in contact with an appropriate AC contact I would be happy to talk to them.
Overall I am very disappointed with the negative approach to tourists on the Big Sur, the contrast between this and the way we were welcomed in Nepal after their much more serious problems after their earthquake is quite noticeable.

Hey Peter,

I will also be coming through in April. Unfortunately, even if they allowed us access to the trail there are still the southern slides to deal with. They anticipate "no public access" through April and possibly into May. They will be locking gates across the road to secure construction equipment at night and only allowing locals through at scheduled times.

Sure would be nice to ride through with the locals, though wouldn't it?

This post has the info:

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Offline cgarch

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2017, 08:10:37 pm »
From the Pacific Coast Section 4 addenda (2/27/17):

It is unknown when the bridge will be replaced. Due to a lack of nearby roads, an extensive reroute is required. The reroute is 145.7 mi. and can be found at this RideWithGPS link: It is about 30 miles longer than the Pacific Coast route. It begins on map 46 in Marina and ends on map 51 south of Cayucos. Services are limited for the 60 miles between King City and Paso Robles. Also, because this route travels inland, the weather will be significantly different than that on the coast. It will typically be drier and up to 20 degrees hotter.


Just a suggestion - just past mile 136 on your route is the intersection for Santa Rosa Creek Rd / Old Creek Rd.. Take the left at Old Creek and enjoy a quiet descent and short cut to Cayucos. Part of the SLO bike club's Lighthouse Century. YMMV.


Offline ptr52

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2017, 05:34:11 pm »
Looking at the alternative route through the Salinas Valley proposed by the ACA, I'm thinking of allowing three days to do this.
The first part looks fairly flat, so I'm thinking perhaps a 60 mile first day and stop overnight in King City.  Any thoughts on this? Is this a good place to stop over? It has both campsites and motels.
After that the route is more challenging so perhaps a second day of 40 miles and stop over near Lake Nacimiento, again, there seem to be reasonable facilities there.  Final day about 40 miles again into Cambria.
Any thoughts/advice appreciated.

Offline cgarch

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2017, 08:30:33 pm »
Looking at the alternative route through the Salinas Valley proposed by the ACA, I'm thinking of allowing three days to do this.
The first part looks fairly flat, so I'm thinking perhaps a 60 mile first day and stop overnight in King City.  Any thoughts on this? Is this a good place to stop over? It has both campsites and motels.
After that the route is more challenging so perhaps a second day of 40 miles and stop over near Lake Nacimiento, again, there seem to be reasonable facilities there.  Final day about 40 miles again into Cambria.
Any thoughts/advice appreciated.

Correct - the first part is fairly flat. Note too that there is a fair amount of ag traffic on this road. King City is pretty quiet these days. Yes, there are motels, don't know about the campgrounds, and haven't stayed in either in King City. As an alternate you could consider riding out to Arroyo Seco instead of shooting for King City. If you do, the next day you can skip crossing over to the east side of the valley and detour on Central Ave, ride a short stretch of 101 and pickup Jolon Road without crossing the river.
As for the second day, yes it is more challenging. Way fewer options for supplies along the route. There is no store in Jolon (at least there wasn't the last time I was there). There is or used to be a campground just inside the gate Hunter-Liggett - I don't know if it is still open to the public. If you go in the gate, you will need an official ID - not like the old days. There is a store at Lockwood. Continuing on, it's a pretty stiff climb to Lake Nacimiento. Facilities at LN aren't cheap and the boat noise on the lake can be annoying. But it's at least a place to stay - there aren't many options here unless you go into Paso.
As for the third leg, to go into Cambria, you can take Santa Rosa Creek Road. Has a short wall on it and a some steep tube-popping descents. It has also suffered some storm damage as well. Best to check locally before taking that road. Otherwise it's CA 46 to CA 1 and then you can choose whether to go north to Cambria or south to Cayucos (and Morro Bay SP).

Just one other word of caution - The Northerly wind blows mighty hard through the Salinas Valley in the afternoons. That's fine if you're headed southbound, but you northbound riders might want to keep that in mind and get an earlier start.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 08:35:15 pm by cgarch »

Offline ptr52

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2017, 05:07:53 pm »
Thanks For your suggestions CG. Is Paso a better option than Lake Nacimiento?
Google maps suggests an alternative route from King City to Paso following the river roads, this looks quicker than the lake route but I guess it will not be as scenic.
Also, What is the gate at Hunter-Liggett, is that a military base? I will have my UK passport and drivers licence with me, will they be OK?

Offline CMajernik

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2017, 05:13:22 pm »
Here is a link to a blog from someone who recently rode ACA detour.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline aggie

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2017, 07:34:46 pm »
Another slide has occurred near Mud Creek just south of Gordy.  It has buried about 1/4 mile of road in about 40 feet of rock and debris.  Pacific Coast highway from Gorda to Raggedy Point may be closed for the entire summer.

Offline Krampus Snail

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2017, 01:02:05 am »
The ACA reroute already avoids the Mud Creek slide. Good thing, too, because nobody is getting through that slide area any time soon. It will maybe be fixed in time for spring 2018 riders. Maybe. Not definitely.

This slide is massive. It created 16 more acres of California, extending out from the coast.

Offline cerulean_sea

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2017, 02:26:02 pm »
This week there was an article in the New York Times ( about a bicyclist using a hiking trail to bypass the under-construction Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge and ride Highway 1 in Big Sur:

"Anthony Albert, from Oakland, lugged his bike along a half-mile hiking trail that circumvents the downed Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge and cycled all the way to Paul’s Slide and back.  In roughly eight hours of riding, he said, he encountered maybe 10 people."

My boyfriend and I are planning to do this; we're bringing our camping gear and planning to camp for a few nights. 

Has anyone else done this?  Was it feasible?  Where did you park your car?

Offline jeff.zo.russell

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2017, 11:21:59 pm »
I am traveling South on the Pacific Coast route. I have chartered a helicopter to take me from Monterey to the Rugged Point Inn which is just south of the southern most closure. I fly out Wednesday August 9th, 2017. I have room for one, maybe two, other cyclists. If interested call Heidi at 2zero89820011. She will give you my cell and we can coordinate. I'll pay the bulk but a few hundred for one or $600 for two would be appreciated. Let me know!

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Offline opus

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2017, 11:36:20 pm »
I am traveling South on the Pacific Coast route. I have chartered a helicopter to take me from Monterey to the Rugged Point Inn which is just south of the southern most closure. I fly out Wednesday August 9th, 2017. I have room for one, maybe two, other cyclists. If interested call Heidi at 2zero89820011. She will give you my cell and we can coordinate. I'll pay the bulk but a few hundred for one or $600 for two would be appreciated. Let me know!

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If I was going to spend that kind of money I would ride past Pfeiffer Canyon using the path, then have them land on the road just north of the Mud Creek slide and take me to the other side. You'd get almost the entire route!

And if you want to be super bitchin', have them use a helicopter with retracted landing gear and get them to just hover over the roadway while you load and unload. Just have to make sure you have the Airwolf theme playing over a Bluetooth speaker and you're golden. :D

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Offline jeff.zo.russell

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2017, 11:07:42 am »
I am traveling South on the Pacific Coast route. I have chartered a helicopter to take me from Monterey to the Rugged Point Inn which is just south of the southern most closure. I fly out Wednesday August 9th, 2017. I have room for one, maybe two, other cyclists. If interested call Heidi at 2zero89820011. She will give you my cell and we can coordinate. I'll pay the bulk but a few hundred for one or $600 for two would be appreciated. Let me know!

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If I was going to spend that kind of money I would ride past Pfeiffer Canyon using the path, then have them land on the road just north of the Mud Creek slide and take me to the other side. You'd get almost the entire route!

And if you want to be super bitchin', have them use a helicopter with retracted landing gear and get them to just hover over the roadway while you load and unload. Just have to make sure you have the Airwolf theme playing over a Bluetooth speaker and you're golden. :D

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I like it! Unfortunately stoopid government rules say you have to land in private land. I did ask about the road! And the charter company only takes off from Watsonville or Monterey airports. Probably more rules and crews on roads and what not.

But I hadn't thought of the Airwolf theme, that is definitely happening.

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Offline opus

Re: Pacific Coast Route Section #4, maps 47-49 February 2017
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2017, 11:09:50 am »
I am traveling South on the Pacific Coast route. I have chartered a helicopter to take me from Monterey to the Rugged Point Inn which is just south of the southern most closure. I fly out Wednesday August 9th, 2017. I have room for one, maybe two, other cyclists. If interested call Heidi at 2zero89820011. She will give you my cell and we can coordinate. I'll pay the bulk but a few hundred for one or $600 for two would be appreciated. Let me know!

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If I was going to spend that kind of money I would ride past Pfeiffer Canyon using the path, then have them land on the road just north of the Mud Creek slide and take me to the other side. You'd get almost the entire route!

And if you want to be super bitchin', have them use a helicopter with retracted landing gear and get them to just hover over the roadway while you load and unload. Just have to make sure you have the Airwolf theme playing over a Bluetooth speaker and you're golden. :D

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I like it! Unfortunately stoopid government rules say you have to land in private land. I did ask about the road! And the charter company only takes off from Watsonville or Monterey airports. Probably more rules and crews on roads and what not.

But I hadn't thought of the Airwolf theme, that is definitely happening.

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Well, those rules are dumb. Maybe slip the pilot a $20? Haha.

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