Author Topic: LAX to Southern Tier  (Read 20887 times)

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Offline georgw

LAX to Southern Tier
« on: July 17, 2007, 07:39:25 am »
I am from Austria. I am planning to do the Southern Tier this autumn. My
flight goes directly to LAX, so starting point will be Los Angeles (the
original AA route starts in San Diego, which is no good choice for me).
It would be very helpful if somebody in this forum has a good idea how to
get safely out of LA to join the ACA route later on, maybe in Blythe or so.
Thanks, George

Offline valygrl

LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2007, 10:11:15 am »
I would ride to San DIego, then start on your mapped route.  If you ride east out of LA, you will be in yucky-big-city-busy-roads-bad-drivers-land for a few days, with no bike map to help you, in an unfamiliar country.  And there won't be much in the way of camping options.

I have ridden from LA to San Diego, after flying in to LAX.

It's about a 2 day ride from LAX to San Diego, you can follow the Adventure Cycling Pacific Coast Route, or you can just get a city map in the LA airport, head over to the ocean and find the signs that say "Pacific Coast Bike Route" and follow them south.  The only bad part is getting through the area near Long Beach - about an hour of scary-america.  Just make sure it's daylight when you are there.  The rest of it varies from ordinary city riding to quite pretty coast riding.  There are plenty of services and a mid-point campground.

Also, when you arrive in Los Angeles, if you can afford a hotel room, get a hotel by the airport - many hotels have free airport shuttles, and many of those use a big van as the vehicle (of course, you should check with the specific hotel).  That way you don't have to unpack and ride out of the airport after your very long international flight.  Just shuttle to the hotel, sleep, put your bike together in the room, ride when ready (the next morning).

There is a store called REI ( that has several locations on the coast, including one in Manhattan Beach just south of the airport, that was helpful for buying stove fuel and the like.

If you want, you may send me an email anna_levine (at) yahoo (dot) com and I can mail you a copy of a few pages from a cycling guide book I have, that gives detailed route instructions with camping locations.

Have a wonderful trip!

Offline georgw

LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2007, 02:45:04 pm »
Anna, thank you for your suggestion going to San Diego first. My nephew
will pick me up at the airport, he could easily bring me to Laguna Beach,
from where I can start my tour. But I am still wondering that there is no
shortcut to the Southern Tier route from (at least South-) LA area.

Offline nobachi2000

LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 12:16:06 am »
Take the Pacific Coast route to San Diego.  From Laguna Beach, ride
your bike to the San Juan Capistrano Amtrak station and hang your
bike on a ski rack.

One pedal at a time

Offline don quixote

LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 02:28:23 am »
I live in San Diego and have a few ideas for you. Please click on my profile and email me directly. George (also)
don quixote
San Diego

Offline BikingBrian

Re: LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2011, 12:47:00 am »
I realize this post is a bit dated, though I am replying to help others who may do a search in the future.

Another option is to take an airport shuttle to a hotel about 40 miles south in Huntington Beach, then leave the area on the Santa Ana River Trail, eventually reconnecting with the ST in Blythe.

Twitter: @BikingBrian

Offline 2silvercyclists

Re: LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2017, 01:59:36 am »
Hi, here we are in LA in 2017 with the same question. Has anything changed?
Well, except we're doing a couple of days tourism in LA first, courtesy of Warm Showers host Oscar (the best name in LA, obviously). The good tip there was LAX to the beach, then up Ballona Creek to the city.
Anyway, has anything changed since 2011?

Offline 2silvercyclists

Re: LAX to Southern Tier
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2017, 01:28:46 pm »
Thanks, our WS host also suggested that. But we rode, following the coast. It was OK, traffic not too bad. Downside was very slow because of intersections and fiddly navigation. We stopped once at a commercial campground which was horribly expensive but otherwise OK.