Author Topic: My question is should I give SPD pedals a re-try?  (Read 4149 times)

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My question is should I give SPD pedals a re-try?
« on: December 14, 2016, 07:33:11 pm »
My question is should I give SPD pedals a re-try? and I am not a fan of Shimano SH-51 single release cleat so see in 1998

on 1-2013 I did got the Shimano M545 DH/BMX SPD platform pedals and 7-2014 I got the Teva Pivot DH/BMX SPD shoes and I have Mounted the Shimano SH-56 multi-release cleats...

in 1998 I used Shimano M545 DH/BMX Platform Clipless SPD Pedal with Mtn SPD Shoes and Shminano SH-51 single release cleats with a MTN BIKE and Using a BOB yak Trailer and I fell over trying to unclip! and So I do not feel safe in SPD and I have been using Sun Ringle zuzu DH/BMX Platform pedals since 5-2005 on my BMX Bike and 11-2008 with my Surly LHT 2008
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 01:25:47 pm by Biketouringhobo »

Offline zonesystempro

Re: My question is should I give SPD pedals a re-try?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 06:56:58 am »
If you're still thinking of spd only get the shimano click'r pedals. You will never worry about clipping out again. I use them and love them.