Author Topic: Icon colors and detail  (Read 9374 times)

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Offline aggie

Icon colors and detail
« on: April 11, 2017, 10:00:40 pm »
I've downloaded the entire Pac Coast and parts of the Route 66 to my Android phone and now that I plan on using it I'm having trouble following the route and understanding some of the icons.  The first thing to note is that I'm colorblind.  I don't see any difference between the three icons for a community (stars) or much difference between the main route or alternate route.  They all look the same.  Which one has full service vs limited or no service?  Could you put a number in the star or make one yellow and one blue? 

I also have trouble following the route in cities.  For example Albuquerque, NM.  I don't understand/see the differences between the "blue" highlights, dotted line, highlighted route with arrows or the difference between the main route line and the alternate route line.  If there are color differences I don't see them.  For example the intersection of Tramway Boulevard and the I40 frontage road.  Headed east do I turn north, go straight, or turn south?  In other less confusing combinations you may have a highlighted route and then a blue line leaves it.  Do I follow the highlighted route or the blue line.  (Purple and blue look the same to me.)

Also on the phone (android) when I enlarge the image at some point all I get is a blue line- no map and all other markings disappear.  I don't seem to have that problem on the IPad. 

Offline jsieber

Re: Icon colors and detail
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2017, 05:23:24 pm »
Hi Aggie,
Thanks for providing feedback on the apps! We are going to look into how to address the color issues and look to make improvements in a future update to the apps.

For the route lines in cities, the main route is pink and the alternate routes are blue. The dotted blue line is part of the Open Cycle map data and not the Adventure Cycling Data. On the Layers tab on the search screen, you can switch between using a Google or Open Cycle Map base map layer. The Google base map does not have the additional cycling infrastructure items displayed and makes it easier to follow the route track.

I've been able to replicate the issue of the disappearing track on my Android phone. I need to zoom into to the point of only showing a single city block to replicate the issue. I'll pass this along to the developer so that it can be addressed in a future version of the apps.

Thanks again for providing us valuable feedback on these new apps. If you have time to leave reviews in the app stores we would really appreciate it!