Author Topic: App Download process and update plans  (Read 13743 times)

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Offline canalligators

App Download process and update plans
« on: April 03, 2017, 10:30:21 am »
The whole concept is the way to go.  Thanks for your work on this tool.  I do have some questions.

First, I think I have downloaded the app.  There was no choice on the Apple App Store for just downloading the app, but it appears to have downloaded OK by selecting an actual route.  I'll be downloading the free route segment to try it out.  If this isn't how you download the app, please advise.

Second, what is AC's plan on updating the online maps and associated information?  You're certainly capable of rolling in changes right away, perhaps after verifying them.  Will the information in the Addenda for paper maps be folded into the online maps, in a timely manner?  This is really a work process question, but the process is always more important than the tool.

Third, THANK YOU for including a real Help section.  So many tablet apps have no help, no manuals, and no contact capability.  (Or its poor cousin, relying on other users in a forum for user assistance.)  You're expected to intuit how it works, and sometimes it isn't intuitive - these people make me nuts, and I refuse to use their apps.  You have a brief but apparently complete how-to, backed up by this forum.  Good job.

Fourth, will the downloaded sections align with the paper map sections, and carry the same numbering?  It would be poor form not to.  I think I saw that the sections download, just wondering if you'll  be carrying the same identifying map and section numbers.

Finally, it is my intention to purchase the Northern Tier sections that I have occasion to use.  Any idea when they'll be released?

Offline jsieber

Re: App Download process and update plans
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2017, 07:21:03 pm »
The whole concept is the way to go.  Thanks for your work on this tool.  I do have some questions.

First, I think I have downloaded the app.  There was no choice on the Apple App Store for just downloading the app, but it appears to have downloaded OK by selecting an actual route.  I'll be downloading the free route segment to try it out.  If this isn't how you download the app, please advise.
Currently, we just have apps for three routes, the TransAm, Pacific Coast and Route 66. The app downloads are free. It sounds like you downloaded the apps the correct way. As we gather feedback on the current three apps we will decide on what direction to take in the future. It may be more individual route apps or one app that can handle the entire ACA route network.

Second, what is AC's plan on updating the online maps and associated information?  You're certainly capable of rolling in changes right away, perhaps after verifying them.  Will the information in the Addenda for paper maps be folded into the online maps, in a timely manner?  This is really a work process question, but the process is always more important than the tool.

The digital maps do provide the ability to roll out changes more frequently than the paper maps do. We plan to have route updates available faster in the mobile apps as they do not have to wait for the next printing cycle like the paper maps. The apps do have the ability to update the route and service data on the fly. We do verify the content on our maps, so we will not have real time updates at this time.
Third, THANK YOU for including a real Help section.  So many tablet apps have no help, no manuals, and no contact capability.  (Or its poor cousin, relying on other users in a forum for user assistance.)  You're expected to intuit how it works, and sometimes it isn't intuitive - these people make me nuts, and I refuse to use their apps.  You have a brief but apparently complete how-to, backed up by this forum.  Good job.

Fourth, will the downloaded sections align with the paper map sections, and carry the same numbering?  It would be poor form not to.  I think I saw that the sections download, just wondering if you'll  be carrying the same identifying map and section numbers.

Yes, the paper map and digital data map sections should always match.

Finally, it is my intention to purchase the Northern Tier sections that I have occasion to use.  Any idea when they'll be released?

We started with the three routes that we just released and are gauging feedback from those apps to see how to proceed. At this time, we don't have a release schedule for the other routes, but I expect we will know more by mid-summer.

Offline canalligators

Re: App Download process and update plans
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2017, 08:26:17 am »
Thanks for the info.  I'll play with the sample and send some impressions.

Offline aggie

Re: App Download process and update plans
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2017, 11:17:40 am »
I'm not sure how to give/get update info for the digital maps.  I noticed on the Route 66 map 6 it shows leaving Cajon Rd and going through Devore.  The recent construction has reconnected Cajon Rd so you don't have to climb the hill into Devore.  Cajon Rd now continues under the freeway.

Offline JHamelman

Re: App Download process and update plans
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2017, 12:34:14 pm »
I'm not sure how to give/get update info for the digital maps.  I noticed on the Route 66 map 6 it shows leaving Cajon Rd and going through Devore.  The recent construction has reconnected Cajon Rd so you don't have to climb the hill into Devore.  Cajon Rd now continues under the freeway.

You can send feedback to us at cartographyATadventurecyclingDOTorg or via the Map Correction Form on the website.

I'll put this information in the hopper. We're in the midst of finishing up the Chicago to NYC route maps at the moment. We'll get to updating the addenda as soon as they are complete.

EDIT: Actually, I just checked the addenda. I think it's in there now:

(Dec 2016) Cajon Blvd is now continuous between Kenwood Ave. on the west and Devore Rd./Glen Helen Pkwy. on the east, it is no longer necessary to turn at (B) and [D].

The digital data will be updated with this information when we have compiled enough changes to justify an update.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 12:38:29 pm by JMilyko »

Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline canalligators

Re: App Download process and update plans
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2017, 12:08:46 am »
I finally took time to try out the free section.  In all, I find it easy and intuitive to use.  I have general comments.  All are from testing on iPad Mini 2.

1. Is there a way to lock it from rotating? I found myself unintentionally rotating when I meant to zoom.  Of course you'd want or need to rotate for north-south routes.
2. Unlike most online maps, you continue to display town names and route numbers when zooming in. YESSS!  It makes me nuts when I have to zoom back out to see what town I'm in.
3. OTOH, you have roads in white, like most online maps.  Thumbs down on that, they effectively become unreadable when zoomed out.
4. When using Open Cycle Map as source, the print is too small to read on my iPad Mini.
5. I think I'd vote for the one app, multiple maps approach.  I'm likely to own sections on more than one map set, as I live on the Northern Tier but will tour on other routes.

And here's another wish for the NT map set!

Good work so far.