Author Topic: Neck injury/pain issue  (Read 12484 times)

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Offline kitchens

Neck injury/pain issue
« on: May 16, 2017, 01:07:55 am »
Just wondering if anyone else has had an issue with extreme pain in the neck while riding? Not from my children; this is a real issue. Have a few missing discs in my neck, which cause severe pain while using a traditional drop handlebar system. Short of surgery, does anyone have suggestions as to how to solve the issue - equipment, exercise, handlebar position, etc. I have a plan to travel the transcontinental route north to south, originating from and returning to the left coast, los angeles area. Maybe do the  four corners of the US as in the motorcycle iron butt routine.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2017, 10:51:20 am »

Offline johnsondasw

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2017, 11:17:12 am »
Start with a professional bike fit.  Expect to pay $100-200.  It made a huge difference to me, but I didn't have the spinal  preconditions you do.
May the wind be at your back!

Offline PeanutButterShammyCream

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2017, 05:19:35 am »
I have neck issues as well. I modified my bike by adding an extra ring on my handlebar stem, which raised them up higher. Although it is not the most efficient position for riding, it has kept my neck pain at ease.

Offline Alessa3322

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2023, 07:43:34 pm »
Did you find the solution? I'm currently suffering from neck pain and I wonder whether anyone else faced this problem?

Offline rayed

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2023, 05:47:45 am »
Visiting a doctor would be the best course of action. Creams and other local remedies can certainly be found on Canadian Pharmacy, or at the very least, you can access detailed information about them. It's essential to take your health seriously and recognize that people's experiences with the same health issues can vary significantly. Seeking advice on a forum might not always be in your best interest. Consulting with a healthcare professional is typically the safest and most effective approach.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 08:18:18 pm by rayed »

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2023, 03:43:32 am »
Hands, arms and shoulders become conditioned to the pressure of the front leaning rest on a long tour. Bent forward with the head tilted up for a wide enough field of vision puts strain and stress on the neck. Maybe you can get used to it. Not too sure there is a remedy for that.

Offline j1of1

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2023, 09:54:32 am »
I'm making a big assumption that you aren't a "road warrior" - out riding for the miles and not the scenery.  If so, why are you using drop handlebars?  When riding, with your hands on the drop, you are forcing your head to look up in order to see the road ahead (or as you stated, "A wide enough field of vision").  I recommend you discard the drop handlebars and go to a flat bar or swept bar (e.g., Jones H-Bar) with an adjustable stem to put yourself in an upright position so you don't have to tilt your head up to see ahead of you. 

Yes, your speed may drop in a more upright position, but does it really matter?  You're riding...

Offline LouMelini

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2023, 05:55:26 pm »
I assume if you know you have a few missing discs in your neck that you have consulted a physician, either a neurosurgeon or orthopedic physician (either operative or non-operative). What did the consulting physician have to say? Have you seen a non-operative orthopedic surgeon that has a sports medicine specialty? Or perhaps a Physical therapist that has a cycling background, perhaps with bike fitting capabilities?

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2023, 08:13:33 am »
This thread is over 6 years old.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2023, 06:26:25 pm »
The post may be old but the condition is current with anybody doing long-distance bicycle touring. There was also an older post on here about staying ahead of the weather and paying attention to weather forecasts. The original post is an old one but staying ahead of weather forecasts is more important now than it ever was before.

Offline misterflask

Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2023, 09:04:14 am »
A year ago my neck pain was getting bad enough that I despaired of ever riding a diamond frame bike again.  I tinkered with recumbency, but I didn't see a recumbent bike filling all the roles my diamond frame bikes do.  Besides not being able to turn my head to sightsee on the bike, I also had difficulty turning my head to check blind spots while driving.  Today, the road bike feels like the most natural conveyance in the world and I even went for a century ride a few weeks ago.  To get from then to now, I:

Visited my doctor and got a Rx for Physical Therapy.  My PT knows I'm a compliant patient and after diagnosing the problem (mainly bad neck posture) he gave me a set of exercises to do at home.

A previous trainer referred me to: 
I can't recommend these books highly enough.  Cheap, a quick read, and a specific plan to cure what ails you.  They kind of expanded on what my PT offered and give you a framework for making things better.

I have a personal trainer who carves out weight workouts for me.  She was a real find, with a recent Masters in Kinesiology and a bike racer to boot.  She designed a workout with neck specific exercises.  On that recent century, I did have to stop a few times to get my neck stretched out and I basically ran through the workout's neck stretches and exercises.  Having a trainer is great, but you have to find one that is capable of and inclined to help you with your goals.  A previous trainer, also a bike racer, made me way faster on the bike (a goal at the time) but was prone to breaking things.

On the recommendation of the Mckenzie books, I now sleep with a cervical roll and a thin pillow and have lumbar rolls for my car and office chair.

Of course, the human condition is vastly variable, and my success may not predict yours (YMMV).  I had the good fortune of not having any underlying issues other than old age and bad posture.


  • Guest
Re: Neck injury/pain issue
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2023, 09:42:51 pm »
Have you considered trying a different handlebar setup? Maybe something like a flat handlebar or an upright handlebar could provide a more comfortable riding position. You could also look into getting a bike fit. They can help adjust your bike's components to better suit your body mechanics and reduce strain on your neck. It might be worth consulting with a professional bike fitter or a physiotherapist to get some personalized advice based on your specific condition. Hope that helps, and best of luck with your transcontinental journey! 🚲