Author Topic: How Often are WayPoints Updated?  (Read 12857 times)

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Offline zzzz

How Often are WayPoints Updated?
« on: June 19, 2017, 11:56:19 am »

I'm leaving from Banff July 29 on the GDMBR and due to my terrible sense of direction I am more intimidated by the idea of trying to stay on route then the actual ride or bears or anything else.

I have down loaded the addendum and I see right near the beginning there's a detour at Spray Lakes Rd due to bear activity. I'm not sure if this is a permanent or a temporary detour, but if it's permanent, does this detour and any other permanent detour get reflected in the way points?



Offline ACA-Admin

Re: How Often are WayPoints Updated?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 11:54:08 am »
The waypoints are only updated with permanent changes to the route. I do not believe that this is a permanent change.

Offline JHamelman

Re: How Often are WayPoints Updated?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2017, 09:35:28 am »
Though this thread is a bit old, I wanted to clarify that route detour. It will become a permanent route change with the updating of the maps this spring.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

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Offline John Nettles

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Re: How Often are WayPoints Updated?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 11:31:31 pm »
Why can't the waypoints be updated more frequently?  You have the information, it is pretty easy to update, and it would be very beneficial to the riders if the data and addendum match.  Also, updated service points should be updated also?  Is there a reasonable reason as to why it is not updated more timely?

Thanks, John

Offline JHamelman

Re: How Often are WayPoints Updated?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2017, 08:41:54 am »

We are planning to update the digital data more often as it gets rolled into our processes. Subsequently, the data within the apps will also get updated since the source for these two products is the same. If we learn of changes that need to be made to routes due to a safety situation, we are updating and releasing the data as quickly as we can, in advance of the paper maps. Paper map users will get those changes via the Map Corrections and Updates.

At this point it is a higher priority to keep creating new data for distribution than make minor updates to existing data when that information is available via the Map Corrections and Updates pages.



Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes