Author Topic: have a heart  (Read 5444 times)

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Offline fastrog

have a heart
« on: July 27, 2017, 05:10:55 am »
Just found out I had a "silent" heart attack with some muscle damage. Some tests still to be done. Was planning to do Transamerica next summer. Hoping not to give it up. Any heart patient/tour riders out there with advice/encouragement? Thanks.


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Re: have a heart
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 07:09:24 am »
I have had a mechanical heart valve since 1990, which is nine years before I did my first unsupported tour.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: have a heart
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2017, 08:19:29 am »
Sorry to hear about your heart attack.  I'm working my way back from an MI earlier this year.  It hasn't been as much fun as riding a bike.

First, get your doctor to put you in cardiac rehab.  Then go and finish it.

Second, talk with your cardiologist about reasonable expectations.  I started with 6 mile rides (with my wife watching anxiously as I did laps on an empty street).  My doc says my heart is in pretty good shape because of my previous cycling, so I can ramp up as long as I don't push too hard (whatever that is!).  He's very supportive of my doing a metric century late this year, and mildly supportive of a 200 km ride next spring.

Third, take all your meds, and especially don't discontinue anything without talking to your doctor or nurse.  If you need to change your diet, or do something to address the various risk factors, do it!  Life is a crapshoot, but you want to load the dice as much as you can!

Finally, don't make any nonrefundable reservations until the end of 2017, and evaluate where you are then.  You may need to give it another year or two, you may be good to go by next summer.  (I know which one I'm rooting for!)

Offline fastrog

Re: have a heart
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 03:46:55 pm »
thanks for the advice. the odd thing is i was riding 20 or 25 or 30 daily at about 10-12 mph, AFTER the attack, since i did not know it had happened. had no problem on the bike, but had shortness of breath climbing a ladder or unloading groceries from the car. had to talk my doctor into an EKG and echo because he thought i could not have a heart issue since i cycled so much. the ne saw the results of the echo ... quick stress tst and now to the hospital tomorrow for heart catheterization.


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Re: have a heart
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2017, 03:39:23 pm »
Ugh. A cath is no fun. I had my first around age six, second at age 12 and a third at age 25, a few months before I had my valve replaced.