Author Topic: TA Section 2 US20 Santiam Pass alternate impacted by new fire - Sep 2017  (Read 9059 times)

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Offline DaveT

US20 over Santiam Pass has been the alternate route for TransAm riders since OR242 over McKenzie Pass was closed due to the Milli fire (see Aug 22 post). Today a new fire closed US20 for several hours west of Santiam Pass. A single lane is now open using pilot cars between MP 75 & 80 but conditions could change rapidly.

The air quality index in from Prineville through Sisters has been in the "unhealthy for everyone" range today.

For more information on Oregon road conditions and closures:
For current air quality readings:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 11:53:55 am by DaveT »

Offline DaveT

Re: TA Section 2 US20 Santiam Pass alternate impacted by new fire - Aug 2017
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2017, 11:43:24 am »
The US20 lane closure with pilot car has been discontinued. The Potato Hill fire that prompted the closure seems to be under control, at least for now:

Air quality through the Oregon Cascades continues to be unhealthy:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 11:53:24 am by DaveT »

Offline 2bikegirl

A useful page for updates on McKenzie Pass complete closure:
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 05:15:20 am by 2bikegirl »

Offline EmilyG

A useful page for updates on Santiam Pass complete closure:

Was just coming to post this link!  McKenzie Pass road is closed until further notice.   

From link:   "April 18th 2018: New update from ODOT, they have closed the road to all users! See photo below. Because of the fire last year ODOT is still assessing and clearing danger trees, the state of the roadway and culverts. Work crews are on the highway with heavy equipment. Once they have completed their work bicyclist and pedestians will be allowed at their own risk. The plan is to open the highway to cars and all users the third Monday in June, June 18th. No date at this time when crews will be done, we will keep you posted. Feel free to call the shop for latest updates."

Offline DaveT

Please note that these update posts are about McKenzie Pass (OR 242), NOT the Santiam Pass (OR 20 alternate TA route).  EmilyG or 2bikegirl may want to also post their updates on the original McKenzie Pass closure post:

For those that have ridden the east side of McKenzie Pass before I have talked to someone who was up there this spring and the fire has completely changed the landscape. Apparently one benefit (if you can call it that) is the lower section now has views instead of being contained in a tree tunnel. Unfortunately those views are going to be pretty bleak for a few years.

Offline 2bikegirl

Thanks!  Post updated.

Offline jamawani

But the wildflowers - -

I had to bypass Yellowstone during the 1988 fires.
(Was stuck at the Green River Lakes campground for a few days and helped with feeding fire crews.)
Moved to Jackson in 1990 and rode regularly in the park.
Within 2 or 3 years the wildflower explosion was spectacular in the spring.
Although the charred trees formed a forest of black spikes - -
they were surrounded by a carpet of color.