Author Topic: Sierra Cascades/Lewis&Clark in WA/OR: Columbia Gorge wildfires closure Sept 2017  (Read 4073 times)

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Offline adventurepdx

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@JMilyko sorry for not being super specific with map sections/panels, hope you can elaborate.

A massive and (probably) human caused wildfire has been raging in the Columbia River Gorge since Saturday afternoon. So far, it's burned 10,000 acres and is not only threatening several communities and homes, but many of the places that make this part of the world special.

Currently ODOT (Oregon Dept. of Transportation) has I-84 CLOSED between MP 17 in Troutdale to MP 62 in Hood River. Additionally, the Historic Columbia River Highway and Trail is closed east of Corbett.

Right now SR 14 on the Washington side is still open through the Gorge, but there is a wildfire close to Archer Mtn west of Bridge of the Gods that could close it.

My advice: Avoid this area entirely. The smoke is heavy and ash is falling in Portland, 30 some miles west. All recreational services are closed, and while communities like Cascade Locks, OR and Stevenson, WA are not evacuated yet, they could be.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 05:52:40 pm by CMajernik »