Author Topic: Businesses Beware - Continental Divide Trail - Rider Tom Will Take You!  (Read 2806 times)

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Offline Aclogcabin

Hello all, we rent out our small cabin along the continental divide trail in Atlantic City, Wy.  Thursday,  we had a horrible encounter with Tom from Bellevue, Washington who seemed to think we provide a modernized cabin with cable, internet, running water, shower and big comfortable beds for free. Well, we do not. After milking us for 2 days we finally parted ways Today, Saturday September 16, 2017. We want everyone on the trail to be ware. Tom has no intentions of paying and if you are an actual business do not think Tom is a real customer, because he is not. We've helped people in the past, but this was not a case where all parties knew ahead of time that funds would not be exchanged. Our rates are clearly posted on our front door and nowhere does it say anything is free! We appreciate all the great biking business and considerate guests we do have but, we gladly say no thanks to those who do not value quality lodging and amenities.