Author Topic: Pacific Coast question - WA area - advice hugely appreciated  (Read 15682 times)

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Offline Inge

Re: Pacific Coast question - WA area - advice hugely appreciated
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2017, 12:56:47 am »
Good thought about the Olymoic discovery trail. I just checked my track and you know what .... I am riding that most of the way. Guess great minds .... ;) I plan to stay at Fairholme campground/ CG Hoh Oxbow campground or if the legs are good HOS Rainforest Hostel/ Fals Creek campground/ Ocean City SP/ Twin Harbors SP/ Bush Pioneer County Park/ Cape Dissapointment SP in Washington. Will check later if I have the complete Discovery trail or just a part of it.
What do you mean by
There are mom and pops along the way but they come and go

I will try and see that tunnel you mentioned - good tip!

If I knew how to place a picture of my planned route I would have enclosed it.

Here is a thought. if you ride the Olympic peninsula section (counter clockwise) you can connect with the olympic discovery trail which is nearly completely paved. It is spectacular and includes a portion along the Spruce Railway line, the back side of lake Crescent. This route eliminates the 101 section from Discovery Bay to Sappho which is the cutoff to Clallam Bay. I have to disagree with a couple of contributors about eliminating Washington coastline, but it is much less habituated. Camping areas are plentiful and unique. You will not be able to ride 500 yards and order Dominos or Starbucks. (I am positive about Dominos, not so sure about Starbucks -this is Washington). Shoulders are wide  and traffic is bicycle cognizant. Having done the Pacific Coast, self contained, twice now I firmly believe the Only/Disc trail from Port Angeles to Sappho will become the jewel of this entire PC route. BTW, there is a short 100 yard trail from tunnel #1 at Lake crescent that descends to the greatest swimming lagoon in the history of the world. You change in the green room, and there is plenty for modesty requirements. Camping or cabins at either end of the lake. There is a small store and food at Joyce, a small store at Fairholm, next real store is Forks. There are mom and pops along the way but they come and go. If you are pretty self sufficient, perhaps a little independent, try this route. If not, by all means stay on the PCH route. Oh. About the Astoria-Megler Bridge. It can be intimidating, but it is not bad. Lots of us ride it. It is not as steep as it looks, traffic is pretty slow, just remember to give yourself a meter from the curb and let overtaking traffic pass you when THEY choose. It seems to always have some kind of maintenance so construction and painting crews stop traffic regularly which allows you lower speeds and traffic window.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 12:58:55 am by Inge »

Offline Kitsap_Bill

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Re: Pacific Coast question - WA area - advice hugely appreciated
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2017, 07:42:09 pm »
"Mom and Pops" refers to small businesses either restaurants or groceries/trading posts. These businesses come and go in very rural settings or are open in an irregular manner. In more urban settings they are often referred to as "Stop and Robs" primarily because they are open very late further viewed as targets of opportunity.

Offline Inge

Re: Pacific Coast question - WA area - advice hugely appreciated
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2017, 01:05:05 am »
Ah, I thought that it might be something like that. Thanks for the clarification.

I also checked which part of the trail I am following and am following it from below lake Crescent - just after Fairholme Campground. Am following mostly the 101 till the campground. Though I am looking at incorporating more of the trail. Just noticed checking OSM that the olympic trail runs differently there than eg on . The trail goes south whereas on the website they follow the 112 east at the junction of Elwha river road and 112. Have now opted to follow the trail south since that takes me to the right side of lake Crescent - going through the forest. Will have another closer look this weekend but am glad you ointed out that the trail is pretty long and that I can follow it pretty much out of Port Angeles.