Author Topic: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)  (Read 11531 times)

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Offline PeanutButterShammyCream

Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« on: December 04, 2017, 03:32:17 am »
I have only used Brooks saddles while touring, but I would like to know if anybody uses a different type of saddle? If so, what kind? How do you like it for LONG DISTANCE riding??

Offline staehpj1

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 07:55:29 am »
I have only used Brooks saddles while touring, but I would like to know if anybody uses a different type of saddle? If so, what kind? How do you like it for LONG DISTANCE riding??
I have done a couple coast to coast rides and several other long rides on whatever saddles came with my bikes.  That includes some low end saddles that came on fairly cheap bikes.  I never had any major regrets about using them.

Interestingly enough unless you go back to the saddles I used in the 50s and 60s, the Brooks is the one saddle that I have owned and really disliked.  It was just okay, but nothing special when new and for me went down hill from there.  By the time it really started to show sit bone dimples I really hated it.

My current favorite saddle choice would be one from the WTB Volt line.

FWIW, I use similar low bar cockpit setups (bars 3-5" lower than saddle) for both touring and performance riding so I like the same saddle for all of my road riding whether touring or not.

Also I find that the Volt works well on my mountain bikes, despite the bars being higher than on my road and touring bikes.

Offline DaveB

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2017, 09:02:31 am »
Saddles are probably the most personal and individual component on any bike.  The saying; "one man's treasure is another man's poison", applies to them as to almost nothing else so take any recommendation you get here as only the preference of the poster.

That said, I have been very happy with the Avocet "O2 Air 40 Men's" model.  I have used them for decades and have them on all four of my bikes.  I'm not sure who actually manufactured them but I believe it was Sella Italia.  I''m also not sure if Avocet is still in business as their web site hasn't been updated in years and it doesn't give any product details so my recommendation may not help you at all.   Fortunately, these saddles are very durable (I have 44,000 miles on one of them) and I have three spares on the shelf so I'm set for quite a while.

Offline Nyimbo

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 04:49:46 pm »
I’m a fan of the leather Selle Anatomica.  I love everything about this saddle for touring (except I think it has a goofy name for an American company ) I bought mine for touring and later bought a second for my daily ride as it was so comfortable for me.

A few years back I saw one in a store but since it cost more than I was willing to spend I didn’t purchase.  At home I looked up their web page and then signed up for their mailing list.  A few months later I got an advert for the end of year specials and ended up buying a blemished one for a great price.  After seeing how great it was for my bum I’ll recommend giving it a look.

btw - they are for sale in the Adventure Cycling Cyclesource Catalog so you can see what it looks like there
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 07:06:57 pm by Nyimbo »

Offline RonK

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2017, 05:50:00 pm »
I cannot tell what is the "best type of saddle". I can only tell what works best for me. What is best for you may be entirely different.

I didn't much like Brooks leather saddles and I'm not much inclined to experiment with other brands of leather saddles.

What works for me currently is the Brooks Cambium saddles, of which I have two - a C17 and a C19.
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Offline Old Guy New Hobby

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2017, 08:04:12 am »
I tried a lot of saddles before I got my Brooks. In the beginning, I didn't like Brooks. Then I learned that the Brooks has to be level. Even a little "nose down" makes it an awful saddle for me. Once I got it level, it became a great saddle. I've only purchased one Brooks.  I'm still using it.

Of the other saddles I used, I found that the most important factor in comfort seemed to be the ability for me to keep my weight on my sitz bones. Saddles that were too wide or too narrow were just plain uncomfortable. The Brooks adjusts itself to my bottom. Maybe that's their secret.

I found price to be a poor predictor of saddle comfort. A cheap saddle was often more comfortable than an expensive one. One of the better saddles I had was the one that came on my "starter" Schwinn. Although I must admit I didn't use any of them for long. It's possible that an expensive comfortable saddle would last longer than a cheap one. I must say, though that the Brooks seems to last forever, making it the cheapest saddle per mile out there.

As DaveB said, saddles are the most personal component on a bike. But if you like your Brooks, why not stay with it?

Offline canalligators

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2017, 10:07:35 pm »
I still like the Rans standard width, foam bottom seat best.  Vision a close second.

Offline Inge

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2017, 12:50:29 am »
Currently am riding on an SQlab602 which does its job very well. But bought a Selle Anatomica after having read positive reviews about it here and elsewhere and did get a good deal on it usd99,-- for an X2. Reason I like leather saddles but have absolutely nothing with Brooks. Contemplated Gilles Bertoud but that needs to be broken into for quite some miles whereas the Selle apparently has no need for it. Should arrive in a few weeks and in the meantime am getting more and more curious to find out if it indeed will be "saddle heaven".

Offline dkoloko

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2017, 12:15:32 pm »
The Selle Anatomica didn't work for me. Traveled thousands of miles on each of Brooks Pro, B17 and B17N. Saddle sores on all. Tried slim profile saddles, such as several different Fizik saddles; none worked for me. Currently, have WTB Rocket saddles on bikes. Cheap, in lower cost versions, and as good or better than any above. Also, work on road or mountain bikes.

Offline KKTice

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2017, 11:30:49 am »
I have been using the Gilles Berthoud saddle-the Aspin model.   It is a modern take on a Brooks tensioned leather saddle.   (I think  it is higher quality than modern Brooks saddles) I have used this saddle since 2008, and it has worked very well for me, as well as friends that switched to them.

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Offline marquezdl

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2017, 07:26:30 am »
I have a Brook that I purchased from the old Spoke and Sprocket in Tacoma Washington in 1993.  It’s almost done, the rivets are pulling out and lifting and its time to retire the old friend...and I am REALLY interested in the Gilles Berthoud saddles.  They are pricey as all git out, but they appear to me to be well designed, and well executed with quality parts and the potential to outlast me for sure

Offline Molly88

Re: Best type of saddle (besides Brooks)
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2017, 05:49:02 pm »
I like the Terry Fly Century.  With the name "Century" it has to be good for distance, right?