Finally warmed up a little here today for the first time in a long time--38 degrees. So, was able to take an extended lunch and get in a 21 mile ride. First time I used my Blackburn brake hood mirror. At first I thought it was going to be no good due to the amount of vibration from the road. But over the first 3 miles or so, I kept looking at the mirror and thinking how poorly it was designed--didn't follow the contour of the break hood well at all...see the first photo below. Then it finally hit me--I had installed it upside down. So I stopped, flipped it over (second photo) and that took care of the vibration quite nicely.
Overall, as far as the mirror goes it was great--had a very clear view of what was behind me and since the mirror is flat, I could see vehicles that were close much better than with the other curved mirror. However, it seems that everything comes with a cost. The cost was that now I had a much less comfortable hand position when riding on the break hoods. The mirror mount makes the gripping surface a lot larger and the mirror stem is resting against the bottom of my left hand. This resulted in it being far less comfortable to ride on the break hood and less freedom for positioning my hand over the break hood in various positions and not nearly as good and comfortable a grip when I stand to climb. After about 10 miles or so into the ride, I had noticeable pain in my left wrist just from not being able to get a comfortable hand position on the break hood--I probably ride on the break hoods 75-80% of the time...just my most comfortable riding position. Although I like the mirror, I don't think it's going to be a good solution for me. So, I think I've decided on one of two actions.
1. I'm either going to convert my left bar end shifter to a downtube shifter and clear the way for me to add a nice quality bar end mirror. Or,
2. Convert both my shifters to nice quality brake lever shifters--again, clearing the way for a nice bar end mirror and additionally solving the minor problem I have with effectively shifting with the bar ends. I currently spend most of my time on the large chainring up front and just shift through all my gears on the back. This may partly be due to being a bit lazy in my shifting, but mostly because I just can't efficiently shift when I have to reach down on both sides.
So, which way I go will really just depend on cost and the advice of my bike shop tech. But, I'm done trying to find a good mirror solution with these bar end shifters. I know a bar end mirror will work fine for me, so I just need to clear the space so I can use one.