Author Topic: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&  (Read 59297 times)

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Offline Loader

From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« on: January 11, 2018, 12:46:09 am »
I'm 62. Retired. There is a desire and an opportunity to ride a bicycle around our country.
I cycled several times when my children were small. Later I went alone, on a bicycle with a bicycle trailer. But, of course, I did not make such big trips.
Therefore, with pleasure I will take all sorts of advice on organizing such a trip (according to my calculations a year or a little more).
Perhaps someone has already descended from the north of the country along the East Coast to Florida. Perhaps someone had already crossed the country in the southern states and from Florida to Clifornia.
The same is for the West Coast from south to north and over the northern states back to New York .
My trailer is pretty roomy, so I can take quite a lot of payload. But because the trailer is big, I can not go fast. Approximately 10 miles per hour (40-60 miles per day), this is now my cruising speed.

I'm going to spend the night, mostly in a tent, sometimes only stopping at motels for hygienic procedures.
But I do not know how people in different states in the country treat a nightman in a tent.
Perhaps in some states this is against the law.
I ask experienced travelers not to be shy and give all sorts of advice.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 01:56:32 am by Loader »
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2018, 02:19:51 am »
Supposedly a list of things I'm going to pull behind me:

1.Tent; Two sleeping bags, warm and light; Synthetic mattress and foam for lying; Aluminum folding chair for rest on the road and seating on a halt; A plastic cooler for storing food during the journey and using it as a table for eating; Bag for removable underwear and clothes; Tharp under the tent; Titanium saucepan and frying pan; Gas stove and gas tank; Replacement shoes and waterproof suit.

2. A pump and a set of tools; a small hatchet and a hunting knife; Solar battery for charging the phone, signal lights in front and behind the bicycle; А strong lantern on the steering wheel to illuminate the road. 

3. Necessary medicines, a general antibiotic, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2018, 02:35:34 am »
Of course, I understand that I carry too much cargo with me. But I can not, as in my younger years, be content with one blanket for all occasions and eat are only sandwiches.
I already need some comfort. Moreover, I am going on a long leisurely road.
Maybe I'll stop for a few days in the places I like. I do not want to go to big cities, there's nothing for me to do. I prefer small American towns, in which most people know each other by name.
I  was born in another country and when I came to the States, I was amazed at the amiability and friendliness  of the American people, especially in the countryside.
So help me God to make sure that I'm not mistaken.
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline John Nelson

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2018, 08:21:53 am »
Of course you can take anything you want, but make sure you take some shorter test runs before you set out on your epic trip. Take some long, fully loaded rides on some very hilly routes. I don't know where you live, but most of the small back roads are very hilly.

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2018, 08:38:18 am »
I live in the upper reaches of the Delaware River. We do not have real mountains here, but there are a lot of hills. Yes, up the hill, I have to push my bike by hand. :-\

God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline canalligators

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2018, 09:18:06 am »
You can have creature comfort without so much heavy gear, especially your heavy trailer.  You need a good tent, a ground pad and sleeping bag or backpacker's quilt.  A light sleep sack can be inserted in your sleeping bag for cooler nights, or used as a sheet for warmer nights.  Take a pillow if you prefer.  DO ensure you'll sleep well, this is very important.

You can find a lot of information on Crazyguyonabike.  Many people put their gear lists in their journals.

The problem with heavy kit is that it's very hard to drag it up hills.  You do not need to go ultra light, but you could easily take 20 lbs. off your kit.

On first glance, I would not use the Thule carrier on the trailer.  Use a waterproof bag, such as the BOB bag or drybags that are used for boating.  I would not take a cooler, you can buy cold items as you go.  If you must take a cooler, say if you have medications to keep cold, you can use a soft-sided insulated bag. 

As for camping, you should respect signs that say No Trespassing or Posted.  You can camp in town parks, or along waterways.  Often you can camp along bike trails.  Public campgrounds usually have showers, so that takes care of your hygenic needs.

Good luck, and have a pleasant trip.

Offline John Nelson

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2018, 09:55:12 am »
Yes, up the hill, I have to push my bike by hand.
As long as you're okay with that, then I'd say you're good to go. What you're doing is certainly not the norm, but that's okay. Have fun!

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2018, 10:07:16 am »
Thank you for the answers.
Even if I contradict, this does not mean that I do not reflect on your advice and wishes.
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2018, 10:13:15 am »
About food.
What kind of diet do you prefer on the road?
Do you cook soup or porridge? How do you transport fats and meat?
What water do you use?
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Ty0604

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2018, 10:22:10 am »
About food.
What kind of diet do you prefer on the road?
Do you cook soup or porridge? How do you transport fats and meat?
What water do you use?

Everyone eats differently. I don’t consume many calories on tour. Your body may need more. For me I usually have a donut/coffee for breakfast. For lunch I carry a few granola bars and will snack on those. Occasionally I’ll grab a cold sandwich/chips. For dinner it’s either a cold sandwich/chips or fast food. I don’t cook on tour. For me it’s too much work and I travel pretty light (10lbs or so).

Not sure I understand your question about what water we use?

I can’t imagine carrying the load you’re carrying though. My first tour I was going to do the same. A few local rides and I ditched the trailer and most of my gear.

Good luck.

PS: All the routes you mentioned in your first post are ACA routes. Southern Tier, TransAm, Northern Tier, Atlantic Coast, Pacific Coast.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 10:24:43 am by Ty Dawley »
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2018, 10:31:44 am »
Again, thank you.
Water, I meant, in those places where there is no possibility to take drinking water, as you purify water for drinking or making food.
Do you need to filter water or boil enough?
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Ty0604

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2018, 10:42:08 am »
Again, thank you.
Water, I meant, in those places where there is no possibility to take drinking water, as you purify water for drinking or making food.
Do you need to filter water or boil enough?

I’ve never been in a place on all my tours where water wasn’t available at some point in the day. . In those long stretches I just carry extra water.
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2018, 10:51:23 am »
Me too. But more gallon to take with me, too heavy. If it's hot, a gallon, a maximum of two days.
Once I crossed Florida on a motorcycle, it was very hot, and there was nowhere to take drinking water. Only some suspicious lakes with muddy water.
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Loader

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2018, 10:55:36 am »
How safe is a bicyclist on the road? I traveled all over the East Coast and Alaska, but I was never in the Midwest, for example, and California.
God created the universe, and man created the wheel.

God invented our legs for us, we came up with pedals for our feet.

So the bike was born.

Offline Ty0604

Re: From NY to Florida. From Florida to California and beck no NY&
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2018, 11:01:30 am »
Me too. But more gallon to take with me, too heavy. If it's hot, a gallon, a maximum of two days.
Once I crossed Florida on a motorcycle, it was very hot, and there was nowhere to take drinking water. Only some suspicious lakes with muddy water.

That’s why most people start the Southern Tier in February or early March. When it’s hot ride in the mornings and evenings. No need to ride in the heat of the afternoon. I’ve only ran out of water a few times while on tour. I just went to someone’s house and asked to use their garden hose.

As for safety... You’re asking the wrong person. I was hit twice in 2017. Once seriously. But I’m riding Route 66 this year. You can be as safe as you can but you only control so much. Some states are safer than others. I tend to stick to low traffic roads when I can. Except freeways. I’ll ride those when legal (or when it cuts a bunch of mileage off). The shoulders are huge usually. You shouldn’t worry about it though. I don’t despite what happened.
Instagram: tyjames0604