Author Topic: Memorial Day start for Idaho Hot Springs MBR?  (Read 4588 times)

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Offline Lucy

Memorial Day start for Idaho Hot Springs MBR?
« on: March 14, 2018, 04:44:18 pm »
I was hoping to bike the southern loop of the Idaho Hot Springs route during the first week of June 2018. The Adventure Cycling site says it is best in late June through July. Any locals have any insight on snowpack this year and when the route might be clear? I'd prefer to avoid the heat of high summer. Thanks for any tips!

Offline ntaylor

Re: Memorial Day start for Idaho Hot Springs MBR?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2018, 12:45:52 pm »
Most Sawtooth/Salmon River Mountains area snotel stations reporting less than 100% snow water equivalent, not like the +150% we're seeing further north. This is percent of average from 1981-2010. Here is a handy link to the NRCS Interactive Map:

I would say this will be an average to below average year on IHSMBR, unless spring brings a ton of precip. So planning to start a trip late Jun/early July seems reasonable. Early Jun often brings fickle weather to the northern Rockies, not to mention increased temps leading to a lot of runoff; so water levels will be higher. But depending on what happens the next couple months, you could be good. I would keep an eye on weather and check out this map in the meantime.

Hope this helps!


Offline Bolomo

Re: Memorial Day start for Idaho Hot Springs MBR?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2018, 12:15:33 am »
Hi - I don't really know the answer to your question, but I did notice on the ACA main route map - they give the websites to monitor snow depths.  For instance: "" for the snow depth at Galena Summit. 

(I'm considering the Idaho route for a bit later in June and so have been studying the map.)

Good luck.