Author Topic: Post Offices and food mail drops  (Read 12922 times)

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Offline Jake Northrup

Post Offices and food mail drops
« on: December 26, 2022, 02:25:59 pm »
Years ago I did an AT Thru-hike and made very good use of post offices to have food packages and other gear mailed too.  I did a lot of dehydration(spaghetti sauce, ground beef, etc) and bought food items(peanuts, raisins, breakfast bars, etc) in bulk to save money.  Does this hold true for a TransAM ride or does it just make sense to buy as I go?

Offline jamawani

Re: Post Offices and food mail drops
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2022, 04:54:50 pm »
Jake -
You'll be on a bicycle and never more than a day away from some kind of food availability.
Also, the Post Office has cut back or closed hundreds of small post offices -
usually where hikers/ bikers most need them - small places with no services.

I can think of only two remote sections -

Wyoming - Rawlins to Lander - 125 miles
Grandma's Cafe in Lamont is permanently closed
Gas Station/Store at Muddy Gap has daylight hours.
Bar/Cafe at Jeffrey City is open "whenever".

Mont/Idaho - Missoula to Kooskia - 134 miles
Lolo Hot Springs - Cafe/Bar & Soaking
Couple of motels with cafes closer to Kooskia

Plus, on a bike you can carry more than in a backpack.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Post Offices and food mail drops
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2022, 05:44:29 pm »
I’ve used post offices for heavy gear that may not be readily available on the road, such as chains and touring-suitable tires. And sometimes for homemade cookies. And for medications. But never for ordinary food. It’s always possible to carry a couple days food, and that’s enough.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Post Offices and food mail drops
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2022, 06:08:41 pm »
We got a bunch of dried and freeze dried food for free once on the Trans America.  This was before I started going lighter and lighter.  Anyway even then it wasn't worth the effort to mail it ahead to ourselves.  Getting clothing or gear for the weather of geography of a different section or season may be worth having stuff mailed from home.  Some special treats form home would be the only food I'd be likely to include.

On most tours I carry only food for as far as the next resupply point an very minimal cushion.  Heck I even try to buy dinner ingredients late in the day rather than carry food far.