Author Topic: L&C Bicycle Trail, Section 6, Blackfoot Option, map E - Bridge out - June 2018  (Read 4381 times)

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Offline ntaylor

SR 21 is closed 0.5 mi. E. of Augusta due to a washed out bridge. The workaround is to eliminate the jog NW on US 287 to Augusta, then E on SR 21 back to SR 200 at Simms. This will mean missing the services that are available in Augusta, so be prepared for a stretch of no services between Lincoln and Simms (limited services). SR 200 between US 287 and Simms is very scenic, rolling terrain through the Rocky Mountain Front, but shoulders are variable with some poorly placed rumble strips. Traffic is fast but generally light.

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 12:04:06 pm by CMajernik »