Author Topic: Underground Railroad, Section 2, map 26 - Bridge out - July 2018  (Read 4707 times)

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Offline amywally

Kentucky Transportation has closed a section of SR 359 just north of Morganfield for construction of a new bridge over Lost Creek. When that project is finished, construction work on a new bridge will begin a short distance away on Sinking Creek, also known as Higginson Ditch. We don't recommend cyclists use US 60. It is busy, has a small shoulder and it is rumble stripped. The completion date is targeted for September 30, 2018.
Northbound detour: Im Morganfield, from turn L, ride 0.3 mi. and bear left onto SR 130. Ride 1.9 mi. and turn sharp right onto Hites School Rd. In 0.1 mi., continue straight onto Ben Vize Rd. Ride 1.3 mi. At "T", turn left onto SR 359 and rejoin route.
Southbound detour: Cross SR 141. In 1.6 mi. turn right onto Ben Vize Rd. Ride 1.3 mi. and turn sharp left onto SR 130. Ride 1.9 mi., then bear right onto N. Morgan St./US 60. Rejoin route.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 03:15:47 pm by CMajernik »
Amy Wally
Cartography Program Manager

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776