Author Topic: april weather transam  (Read 5439 times)

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Offline fastrog

april weather transam
« on: September 25, 2018, 01:48:07 am »
After my fall and broken bones in July, I'm planning to resume my Transam effort in April, where i fell in Kentucky, 700-800 miles in. Wet spring, I suppose, but what's the coldest I'm likely to find?

Offline jamawani

Re: april weather transam
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 08:23:04 am »
When in April? Where in Kentucky?

I'll assume April 15; putting you in Pueblo, Colorado May 15.
Breckenridge May climate normals - -
Avg high - 53F, Avg low - 25F, Avg snowfall - 10.7 inches

You could have nice weather, you should expect some snow and freezing night temps.
This would apply to the high country of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.
People who do not live in the Rockies often fail to understand late spring in the region.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: april weather transam
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2018, 08:32:00 am »
You don't say which direction you are heading and/or your average miles per overall day and/or have an early or late April departure but here are two suggestions.
1) Look at the ACA maps which give a rough estimate of the highs & lows for a few locations on that map. After looking at all the maps you have, you should be able to tell.

2) Go to and review various towns along your route.  It has a great database for averages for most places in the world.  It gives all sorts of info, i.e. wind speed & direction, cloud, rain, sun, temp, etc.
Also, note that if you are westbound, be sure to keep an eye on severe storms between the Mississippi River and Pueblo. Spring storms (mid-April to early June) often are quite strong and may contain 1+" hail which can destroy a tent and injure you.  Not trying to scare you, just be observant and pay attention to how the locals react.  Also, if you are a fast/high mileage rider and get to Colorado quickly, you may have a slight chance of a pass being closed temporarily (day or two max) in Colorado.

Hope this help, John

Offline fastrog

Re: april weather transam
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2018, 07:35:22 pm »
my fall in july was near loretto, kentucky, about halfway across kentucky after a yorktown, westboud start. picking up the same point in april. was looking for advice on early, mid or late april. i'm leaning toward early, so i can get across some of the plains before full summer sets in. i'm hoping to make 60 or more miles per day.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: april weather transam
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 09:53:30 pm »
In order to avoid sub-freezing temps in high altitude Colorado (say Dillon), I would plan to arrive in Pueblo, CO, after June 1st.  The high temps in KS & MO will still be in the low 80s AVERAGE (plus or minus 8 degrees) in early June so you should be OK.  Just get an estimate of how many RIDING days it will take you to get from KY to CO plus the number of estimated rest days and you will have a pretty good start date.
Glad to hear you are back up and riding and not giving up.  Have a wonderful tour!  John

Offline fastrog

Re: april weather transam
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2018, 10:48:27 pm »
 thanks, john. just second week back and left arm/hand/wrist weak, but legs and lungs don't feel too bad after two months off. hope do be ready by april.

Offline John Nelson

Re: april weather transam
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2018, 03:37:57 am »
If you’re staying in motels, you can tolerate a lot colder weather than if you’re camping.

Lots of variables. May is not a great time to be cycling in the Rockies. June is much better. But only you know how well you tolerate heat and cold. Most cyclists, however, aren’t too crazy about cycling on snow.