Author Topic: ACR section2 Hudson Valley NY - trailways construction update - July 2018  (Read 3283 times)

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Offline bigK12603

the Walkway Over The Hudson SP Ulster Welcome Center (official term for what I call 'visitor center') opened June 29th - no construction barriers etc.
however - construction of the Dutchess Welcome center (east end) is still underway - cyclists must dismount and walk through the construction zone

construction of the phs 3 and 4 extensions for the Hudson Valley RT is still ongoing - phase 4 is progressing ahead of phase 3 - there is asphalt on the phs 4 section - most likely the 'base' layer of asphalt? as of 07-13-18

both extensions are to be completed by late Fall - I will send update for the ACR at that time

of note: the Walkway OTH and the Hud Val RT are part of the Empire State Trail (see photos)

construction photos:!AjM8qAzIh4uAgpsF5zuAfQdxmODq0A
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 05:21:33 pm by CMajernik »