Author Topic: Great Divide Canada, Map A: Jasper closures due to bear activity - July 2018  (Read 2951 times)

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Offline JHamelman

Bear activity in Jasper National Park has increased this summer. We know of a couple campground and trail closures. This situation can change quickly over the course of the summer. We advise checking in with park rangers to determine the situation at the time of your arrival. If the trails shown on the map are closed, you can ride PR 16 north out of Jasper (the town).

The park posts a weekly bear report here:

Important park bulletins are posted here:

What we know as of July 23, 2018:

Wapiti and Whistlers campgrounds are closed at this time due to bear activity.

Sections of Trail Complex 7 are closed. While it doesn't appear this is the GD Canada route, be advised it could be closed as well.


« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 09:19:36 am by JHamelman »

Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
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