Author Topic: Night reflective material source  (Read 8560 times)

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Offline tytrike

Night reflective material source
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:42:22 pm »
Just found, just ordered a few items from reflectivelyours to customize my reflectivity visibility from the rear, both sides and front.
Don't know what I'll do yet, but should be fun. My Trike flags with reflection for sure.


Rides West Deserts, Mountains
Rides West Deserts, Mountains

Offline whittierider

Night reflective material source
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 06:32:56 pm »
Our family's bikes have white reflective tape on rims, crankarms, and head tubes, and red on the backs of the Look-compatible pedals and the seat stays.  Depending on the colors of the bike's frame, rims, and other parts, you can make it so the tape is hardly noticeable in daylight.  This adhesive reflective tape adds virtually no wind resistance or weight, so you might as well add as much as you feel that you can without making it too ugly.  Our state laws still require using lights at night though (and rightfully so).

Offline RussellSeaton

Night reflective material source
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 08:15:15 pm »

I covered (every tube except the headtube, 360 degrees) a frame with the tape above.  And RUSA has great 3M reflective tape that I used between the spokes and on pedals and cranks.  Bike is noticeable when light hits it.

Offline stanc1166

Re: Night reflective material source
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2018, 06:10:24 pm »

I get V82 Oralite reflective tape from here. It works well on flat surfaces or a large radius.  Also, for wrapping a frame you need to use a very pliable and bright reflective material.  That would be the flexible, stretchable high intensity type 3.  It is amazing in its ability to be pulled around and over uneven surfaces and very small radiuses without lifting.  Lifting has always been my problem with the thicker tapes. Its all about safety so the more reflectivity at night the better.  And bright clothing in the daytime of course.  Have fun biking and be safe.  Stanley