Author Topic: ST 05 New Orleans Spur D and GRS 03 #47- MRT Closed. Mar 2019  (Read 4610 times)

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Offline ntaylor

The Mississippi River Trail is temporarily closed directly upriver from Norco due to opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway to accommodate rising river levels.

The suggested detour (using ST 05 narrative and mileages) begins at SB turn G 25(40): instead of turning right onto River Rd., continue straight on SR 628 (which has decent shoulders) 2.6 mi. N to US 61. Turn right onto US 61 (also good shoulders) and follow 2.2 mi. E to  Apple St./SR 48. Turn right onto Apple St./SR 48 and follow 1.4 mi. S back to River Rd. and an access ramp to the levee trail. A Google map of the detour is here:

Locals have stressed that flooding may be a problem this year, so currently there is no timeline for the levee path to reopen. Check the below links for status updates:

Army COE Bonnet Carre Spillway website:

Spillway FB page:

Nathan Taylor
ACA Cartographer
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 01:29:52 pm by CMajernik »