Author Topic: route out of Denver to Siverthorne  (Read 4355 times)

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Offline driftlessregion

route out of Denver to Siverthorne
« on: March 03, 2019, 05:04:44 pm »
I'd like to ride the Colorado High Country route that has been a guided ACA tour but I'd like to ride up from Denver. Anyone know how to get up to Silverthorne by bicycle?

Offline bicycleTour

Re: route out of Denver to Siverthorne
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2019, 12:49:46 am »
Summer 2016 I rode from Idaho Springs to Golden. I called a few bike shops in Denver to get a route and I believe I ended up using this route:

I primarily rode the 40 highway, with modification that I rode for about 2 miles on I-70 between Evergreen Parkway and Genesee Trail Rd. Then 40 all the way down the hill, and north to Golden.

Adventure Cycling Great Parks South map shows the route from Idaho Springs to Silverthorne/Dillon.

Offline JHamelman

Re: route out of Denver to Siverthorne
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 11:39:18 am »
I received this information from one of our seasoned tour leaders who lives in the area (but doesn't have a Forums account):

There has since been posted a route that is a good one to Idaho Springs. He's right that AC already has a map for the Idaho Springs to Silverthorne route, but I've added it to the route below just in case.

There has been an effort in the past several years to build a bike path along I-70, but it isn't complete yet.

This is the way I would go if I was doing it:  I started the route at the light rail stop in Golden. The route essentially parallels I-70, except right at the tunnel for the Continental Divide, where you can't ride bikes (or fuel trucks) through the tunnel, So you get to go over the pass and then zoom down into Keystone and Silverthorne.

It is also possible to ride US-285 to South Park and then join the TransAm from Fairplay to Silverthorne, but US-285 carries a lot of traffic and doesn't have a shoulder for large parts of it. The I-70 way is probably better.

Hope this helps, even though it is late.


Jennifer Hamelman

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x205

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