Author Topic: Jogging Stroller on the Continental Divide Mountain Bike Trail Canada  (Read 12279 times)

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Offline peterkesting

Hello All!

     I'll on this forum inquiring about the use of a jogging stroller on the Canda section on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Trail. This September I'm hoping to run and hike the trail and was wondering if the trail would be wide enough for a jogging stroller. I know the majority of it is on wide gravel roads but was curious about some of the single track sections. My jogging stroller is just over 24 inches wide. What do you all think?

   Thank you for the help!

Offline KionoKitse

Re: Jogging Stroller on the Continental Divide Mountain Bike Trail Canada
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2020, 05:04:56 pm »
Not sure it still matters but I'd say it's not a great idea. Most trails are wide enough but the terrain is fairly harsh. Some parts are hike a bike and others are difficult to navigate even with a bike. Basically it's possible but I wouldn't do it even if you asked me nicely and said pretty please.