Author Topic: Adv.Cyclist monthly & June's feature article "WT(bleep) BikeExplorers"  (Read 6317 times)

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Offline BikePacker

With full gratitude and full appreciation for our freedom of expression insured by our Constitution
for all USA citizens and organizations,
given the above article title,  "WT(bleep) BikeExplorers"
and the feature article prominence afforded by the "Adventure Cyclist" publication,
does Adventure Cyclist Association want one to think of it as a 'family-friendly' organization?
If yes, then
my request to ACA would be to please consider offering a little guidance to parents
on how to, in a 'family-friendly' manner, educate our young cyclists on the meaning of "WT(bleep)?"
If no, then no problem ... my personal perception of the organization up to this time has simply been erroneous.
Again, I emphasize, acknowledge and gladly respect the right that we all thankfully have in the USA ... freedom of expression.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 08:48:15 am by BikePacker »

Offline John Nettles

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Totally agree.  It was a very inappropriate title for a magazine that hopes to inspire youth to ride.  Yes, i know that WTF is almost common language place but so is sh!t, duck with an f, etc.  Doesn't mean you need to lower the quality of the magazine.

Offline StuartN

I pray that the issue you're having is a misunderstanding of WTF. Judging from the posts, it would appear that you are interpreting is as the "old school" meaning, in which case I would concur. However, in the actual context of the article, it is appropriate use.

If, however, you are reading it in its intended use, then I would have to respectfully disagree. My grandchildren are fully aware of this meaning, having been raised to be accepting of and celebrating the differences that allow us to all be unique individuals. My hat's off to this group using the bicycle as a means of social change and education.

Offline John Nettles

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I totally understand the reason they use WTF.  However, to use it as for attention grabbing headline purposes relies solely on the most common (not old school) meaning as readers would have no idea that it is the type of women the ride is geared for.

The title was, IMO, solely a cheap grab for attention, not to promote gender/sexual identity. Maybe it wasn't but regardless, a very poor choice of words.
Additionally, all cycling stories should be about inclusion and this group seems exclusionary so why focus on it?  You can ride whatever sexual orientation you are but why promote a group that excludes (or promotes themselves above) others?
Other than that, that story was fine and somewhat interesting but belonged more on Yahoo than ACA.

Offline Pat Lamb

The title was, IMO, solely a cheap grab for attention, not to promote gender/sexual identity. Maybe it wasn't but regardless, a very poor choice of words.

Clickbait, in other words.

Additionally, all cycling stories should be about inclusion and this group seems exclusionary so why focus on it?  You can ride whatever sexual orientation you are but why promote a group that excludes (or promotes themselves above) others?

This was my gut-check reaction as well when I scanned the article. 

Offline David W Pratt

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Cyclists suffer so much formal and informal exclusion already one would think a cycling group would take pains to pitch the largest possible tent

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Wow. Just wow.

I worry about any child whose parents need guidance re: something like that.