Author Topic: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent  (Read 6533 times)

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Offline jwrushman

Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« on: June 07, 2019, 10:23:13 pm »
While riding in the hot Wisconsin sun today (85F in Clam Lake) and being attacked by deer flies, I came up with the idea of a product containing sunscreen and bug repellent. But alas, someone else had the same idea. On Amazon I see a product called Sunsect. Has anyone used this? Is it reasonable for a sweaty bicyclist, or will it get into your eyes and sting? Any other products like this?

Offline StuartN

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2019, 10:30:26 pm »
I've never used Sunsect, but in the past I used a product called Bullfrog that was very effective. Just went a more organic/natural route in giving it up.

Offline John Nelson

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2019, 11:56:24 pm »
It is generally discouraged to use a combined product, for quite a few different reasons. It is better to apply the sunscreen first, and then apply insect repellent over it.

Offline BikePacker

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2019, 07:07:49 am »
It is generally discouraged to use a combined product, for quite a few different reasons. It is better to apply the sunscreen first, and then apply insect repellent over it.
Good 2 no.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2019, 12:11:14 pm »
It is generally discouraged to use a combined product, for quite a few different reasons. It is better to apply the sunscreen first, and then apply insect repellent over it.

I hadn't heard this before, can you elaborate?

I almost bought my annual Bullfrog gel (awesome stuff) allotment in the combined formula, but there were a couple bottles of the plain sunscreen left, so that's what I got.  My girls discovered the gel when they were (a) young, (b) at home, and (c) on the swim team.  It seems they only produce one batch a year, like touring bikes, and when it's gone, you have to wait another year to get some.

Offline driftlessregion

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2019, 04:49:41 pm »
We were attacked by deer flies near Clam Lake a couple of years ago too. As long as we stayed above 14 mph they couldn't keep up with us. Nasty little buggers.

Offline BikePacker

Re: Combination sunscreen and bug repellent
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2019, 04:56:43 pm »
As long as we stayed above 14 mph they couldn't keep up with us. Nasty little buggers.
Did you notice how they would seem to keep re-fueling in flight and just nEVar stop coming ....
like, literally, a dark cloud following along behind ...
unless (!) one dropped below 14 mph?