Author Topic: Idaho Hot Springs-Secesh Singletrack Opt-Trail Closure-08/7/19  (Read 6344 times)

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Offline ntaylor

The Nethker Fire ( has closed the Bear Pete Trail #142 along the Secesh Singletrack Option. According to their Facebook page (, Burgdorf Hot Springs is also closed until further notice.

Warren Wagon Rd./SR 21 remains open, so the CCW detour is thus: At turn L (mi. 31.9), near Ruby Meadows TH, turn left onto paved Warren Wagon Rd./FR 21 and follow 6.4 mi. SW over Secesh Summit to rejoin the route at turn O (mi. 60.6). But keep in mind that conditions are changing and Warren Wagon Rd./FR 21 status as open is in flux. It is recommended to check the inciweb link above for current status before riding this detour.

Attached is a map of the detour and affected area. Note that red is the trail closure, green is the detour and yellow X is fire location.

ACA Routes and Mapping

Offline ntaylor

Re: Idaho Hot Springs-Secesh Singletrack Opt-Trail Closure-08/7/19
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2019, 02:23:11 pm »
Update 8/8/19: Warren Wagon Rd./FR 21 is now closed, which makes the proposed detour unrideable. Here is the closure announcement:
If you do choose to ride the Secesh Singletrack Option, which we can't wholeheartedly recommend based on current wildfire danger, here are a couple trails south of the Warren Wagon Rd. that could be used to close a shorter loop variation:

Duck Lake Trail (purple on attached map):
CCW: From turn G (mi 22.8), turn left onto Tr. #084 passing Loon Lake and following Loon Creek upstream. In 11.4 mi., rejoin Secesh Option on Twentymile Tr. #085 directly north of Duck Lake.
This trail is rated a moderate singletrack with 2200 ft ascent, 1500 descent due largely to the ridge that must be negotiated at the head of Loon Creek.

Victor Creek Trail (green on map):
CCW: From turn I (mi 24.0), at 3-way fork, turn left onto Victor Creek Tr. #117 and follow Victor Creek upstream. The trail is 10.8 mi total, moderate for the first 7 mi., then steepens as it ascends Diamond Ridge, at which point it begins the descent to Warren Wagon Rd./FR 21 (south of the closure area).
This trail is rated as difficult singletrack with 2200 ft ascent and 2100 descent, but is noted for high scenic beauty.

Note that ACA has not scouted either of these trails, so use at your own discretion.

ACA Routes and Mapping