Author Topic: Incomplete data transfer from Basecamp to eTrex 20x  (Read 9054 times)

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Offline GusHauck

Incomplete data transfer from Basecamp to eTrex 20x
« on: December 17, 2019, 02:49:54 pm »
I'm trying to transfer Southern Tier routes & Waypoints to my eTrex 20x. Upload to Basecamp (v4.7.1) is fine. Transfer to eTrex is fine except the NOTES field for the waypoints. Only the first 48 characters transfers. In many cases, especially for campgrounds, this leaves out some critical additional info.

In Basecamp, the full NOTE data is there from the GPX file.

I also tried manually editing the NOTES field on the eTrex (via Basecamp); no luck.

Any insights will be appreciated

Offline DarrenBnYYC

Re: Incomplete data transfer from Basecamp to eTrex 20x
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2019, 12:41:43 pm »
Unfortunately, this is a limitation with the device. The eTrex 20x can only store names up to 30 characters and notes up to 50 characters. If you try to upload data that exceeds these limits, the gps unit will truncate the information in these fields.

Best advice is to use Basecamp to manually edit/abbreviate the info in the GPX file - less than ideal, I know, but if you want it in the gps unit, you have little choice.

Another option is to use an app on a iOS or Android phone to store a GPX file that you access only to obtain the truncated information - I recommend Gaia GPS or Backcountry Navigator.

Offline GusHauck

Re: Incomplete data transfer from Basecamp to eTrex 20x
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2019, 01:20:40 pm »
Thanks, Road Warrior. Your response is exactly what I expected, but I was holding out to be pleasantly surprised! No such luck. The alternative scenario is the best choice. GPSBabel is a utility that will convert a GPX format file to a CSV format file, so one can take a SERVICES.GPX (with campgrounds, restaurants, etc.) and build a simple database a spreadsheet or other app for the phone or tablet.

Thanks for responding, though. Happy trails ahead!