Author Topic: In need of assistance - someone or organization that can provide SAG support  (Read 5557 times)

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Offline fbrewer

My name is Fred Brewer & this is my first time on this platform and I'd like to ask for assistance. I'm about to retire from Habitat for Humanity Int'l and as my parting gift, I'm embarking on a cross country, fund raising bike ride from Santa Monica, CA to Ocean City, MD mid Q3 of this year. The purpose is draw attention to the affordable housing crisis in this country & Habitat's first US national advocacy campaign, "The Cost of Home", and the efforts we are deploying at the national, state & local levels to mitigate the problem. I will be riding under of HFH Greater Los Angeles banner!

My primary and back up sag support now have scheduling issues and I now have to go on the "retail" market to hire a sag support driver or 2 person team. Can anyone recommend an organization or individual that has supported cross country trips, (I'm allowing 35-40 days for the journey), that you can refer me to please? I have to build out my budget and prepare my fundraising package as soon as possible.

I can be reached on FB Messenger- Fred Brewer, (my photo is me on my bike). Further details will be provided

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Offline driftlessregion

I don't know of any, but God speed Fred. An issue that needs highlighting.

Offline John Nettles

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  • I ride for smiles, not miles.
Try asking on and also on .  Out of curiosity, why not ride self-contained? You could stay in a hotel for most nights for the cost of a private sag I would think.
Regardless, HFH is a wonderful organization!

Tailwinds, John

Offline staehpj1

Try asking on and also on .  Out of curiosity, why not ride self-contained? You could stay in a hotel for most nights for the cost of a private sag I would think.
Regardless, HFH is a wonderful organization!

Tailwinds, John
I have no leads either.  Perhaps his 35-40 days schedule precludes the kind of ride that allows for riding self supported?  I don't know the mileage of his route or his abilities, but the mileage suggests that possibility to me.

Lots of folks do self supported tours for various causes on the longer routes like the TransAmerica (4200+ miles), generally in 60-80 days.  If it was me, I'd consider that.  Having a motor vehicle involved takes away from the experience and changes it in very fundamental ways.

Offline fbrewer

Thanks everyone for your responses/advice! I'll follow up with your recommendations. Though I've been riding for a while, I'm not the best mechanic and also have an underlying medical so as a first timer, wouldn't feel comfortable out there solo if something goes sideways!

Thanks so much again for your time!!

Offline BikeliciousBabe

The above-response makes me think that you should make your expectations clearly know to any potential SAG driver. E.g., Do you expect them to also be your mechanic.  To stay somewhere behind you at all times?  To actually drive along with you at your riding pace?

Offline Westinghouse

I have the freedom to do it. I have pedaled a loaded touring bicycle about 38,000 to 40,000 miles through nineteen countries. I would need to know details.