Author Topic: Latest (2/20) App update  (Read 13821 times)

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Offline KKTice

Latest (2/20) App update
« on: February 27, 2020, 11:19:32 am »
The latest update seems to have a change in the way “dropping pins” works to determine point to point distances and elevation profile.   Now, the first pin dropped is the end point, and the second one is the start point.   This “enhancement” is counter-intuitive, and makes the app way less user friendly when using the app to plan upcoming day’s rides.   Previous to the update, the first pin dropped was the start point, and the last dropped was the end point, with direction of travel, gain/loss presented in the way encountered on the road.  The “old way” was way more useful.  Any chance to restore the functionality ?

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Offline jsieber

Re: Latest (2/20) App update
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2020, 06:53:11 pm »
We really appreciate the feedback on the new version. The initial pin is now the ending point so that the "Distance from me" feature will work easily when just placing the single pin. The order was reversed when using the "Distance from point" measurement option so that the first pin placed is always the endpoint. We think this allows for more functionality in the app but is a change in methodology for those already using the app.  You should be able to still make the same calculations in the correct direction when planning the next day's ride but it does require doing it a little differently. We will definitely listen to user feedback on this feature and take that into consideration in future releases.