The variations have to do mainly with the tire width and being able to attach a cable into the lock or not. Other than that I do not really know.
On my other bike I have 70 mm tyres and am using this lock (Frame Lock 5650L NR black OE (Art. no. 05185) - this also for insurance purposes and it being the only lock that fit around these wide tyres 
Did your insurance company specify any particular brands and models of locks that must be used?
I decided to go with Velo Insurance this month after replacing my previous touring bike due to a crash it might be wise to cover my new bike and my more expensive Lynskey. I asked Velo if they had a list of required locks in order to make sure the theft part would be covered without any questions, and they said NO! Just use any reasonable lock, so I asked them if my cable lock with the Abus lock was reasonable, and they said yes it was, though of course they reminded me it wasn't the most secure way, but I told them I never park the Lynskey anywhere that I can't see it, but the lock was more for the Masi touring bike when I'm at campgrounds and a store to buy supplies, and they said that lock would be fine.
In 40 plus years I've used that same cable/lock, and locking up bikes with it while I was in college or at work I never had a theft attempt, even in Los Angeles. I'm not saying for people who live in Los Angeles to use a simple cable lock, it just happened to work for me due to circumstances.
Anyway check with your insurance to see what they consider to be acceptable. I do know that the frame lock you show would NOT be acceptable for Velo because you have to be able to lock the bike to a solid object, the lock you have would keep someone from riding off but they could just pick it up and run off with it, even though you and I know someone isn't going to just pick up a loaded touring bike and run off with it, but my insurance company said you have to lock the bike to something.